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Old 06-23-2012, 03:11 PM   #163
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Default Re: Difficulty 1-9 Special Batch

I gotta say. I wasn't expecting perfect scores for these files but some of these results are pretty funny. I will completely agree that there are probably some sync issues with at least one, if not all, of the files that I submitted. I have always been very public about my issues with perfectly syncing files. I would love to attempt to edit any of these, though to be honest I would need some assistance on that front as my current computer does not allow me to effectively edit these. That being said, all of these files are years old. The comments regarding the "oldschool" stepping style is because of when these were created and decently similar to my stepping style at that time. It should probably also be noted that Get Out Mah Driveway was stepped, partially as a joke, when I was drunk. As for the song choice, each one of these files was made for someone I know.
(chart reviews under spoiler tags to reduce space)

Get Out Mah Driveway

GET OUT MAH DRIVEWAY / psychozerosk8er
rating: 3/10 [?]
- song made me laugh
- 41.36s,152.79s,156.21s,etc.: ghost note (adding another note to "extend" the sound doesn't work either)
- in the second half of the song, the steps are not synced very well to the rap lyrics, and generalizing the steps make this part feel sloppy. You can probably get away with minor differences in sync such as at 58.18s (but I still suggest syncing them better). Other areas, not so much: 61.29s (very offsync), 63.43s (very offsync and/or misstepped), etc.
- 68.79s,70.29s,96.21s,etc.: random jumps?
- 89.36s,etc.: 8th note
- Summary: It starts off simple enough at first, but the second half is filled with ghost arrows, missteps, and offsync patterns.


Get Out Mah Driveway (psychozerosk8er) - 4/10 [+?]

- lots of misrhythms, such as 73.179 where that should be a 16th note instead of a 4th note and a missing 16th note at 75.321
- layering (random jumps)
- starting at 41.143, I think the bass stands out more than the two 8th note rhythm
- song choice is odd


GET OUT MAH DRIVEWAY (psychozerosk8er)

- Jumps at 60.857s is a no
- Missing arrow 89.357s, 92.786s
- That part at 101.143s where the chords in the background are more frequent has poor layering. How about you drop the jump at 101.357s and simply put jumps to 101.571s, 102.000s and 102.426s?
- PR 152.571s and 154.286s
- Inverted PR at 156.000s

Nice effort, but, most of all, the song was kinda underwhelming (it doesn't help that the singers' voice are so tame) and repetitive. that's about it, frankly. [6/10]


GET OUT MAH DRIVEWAY - lmfao what. Thought this was gonna need a cut but it's fine I guess. A little slapdash and the 8th jumpchains I don't really get (and the last few bars make no sense at all plz rearrange those arrows to something resembling a simfile). I lol'd though and there's not enough songs in this difficulty range.


Common issues, or perceived issues: Song choice and stepping style (jumps/sync/pr). For the song choice, I have no intention of cutting or changing the song in any way. It's different from all other songs in the game, to the best of my knowledge. There is no need to make this song conform to any specific standard. As for the stepping style aside from actual sync issues I feel no real reason to change this file. I would love, seriously somebody take the initiative, to prove me wrong and clean up the issues you have with my stepping style. I feel that some people don't appreciate my stepping style as, similar to the song choice it isn't "conforming" to current standards. I understand the reasoning for this, I went through the same issues myself ~6 years when stepping styles were changing. The one thing that I would like to point out, based on the people who reviewed this file, they were not the intended audience for this, and my other, files. This file, as well as the others, are not meant to be uber technical, nor the next greatest file. These were created mostly just to be easy. There is no need to follow strict style guidelines for these files as that was not their intention. Now, all ranting aside this was a decent review for this file with an acceptable outcome.


DossarLX ODI

- Second 19.93 this 8th note doesn't fit since the 8th note previously was to a synth sound.
- m65 to m79, remove jumps and have the melody you stepped along with the clap. Doubles to one sound in an empty spot like this doesn't work.
- m79 to m81, the countdown should be single notes and there should be also be an 8th note when he says "zero".
- In short, jump usage should be looked over, it looks like you copy pasted these patterns but the point is that the song is largely repetitive and could follow some different layouts. A lot of this file also ignores PR and may have attempted the "old school" feel, but right now these patterns repeat too many times and they feel really random.


[1/10] Monday / psychozerosk8er
// At 3:20, it's a little long for something so simple. Some of the phrases could be cut in half and nothing would be lost.
// It felt like PR was deliberately ignored a lot of the time. FFR isn't for pad, though, so those conventions aren't necessary.
6.88s–10.30s: The first four pitches you put arrows to, the first one is the highest pitch, but you have it on the lowest arrow.
26.59, 33.45, 40.30s: These 4ths should be all be a 16th earlier, where the percussion is.
27.45s: Maybe start stepping the bass that comes in here so we're not playing the same few notes for 40 seconds.
41.59–42.02s: These arrows go down but the pitches go up.
42.23–43.09s: These arrows go ABA, but it's one arrow later at 42.66–44.38s when the pitches go ABACA.
43.95–45.23s: You only have left and right arrows here, but every note is a different pitch.
And these patterns are repeated a lot in the track.
54.88–55.20s, etc: The 16ths, almost all of your arrows go down, but the pitches go up.
63.02–66.45s: Of these six notes, there are three that are the same pitch. There are only four pitches here, so the most accurate PR should be easy to see.
68.16, 68.59s: These 4ths should not be on the same arrow.
77.16s: This 16th pattern is good, it's the only one with different pitches than all the others, which should be 1234.
79.30–109.73s: These patterns are crazy, barely breaking from left-right or up-down. There's more happening in the melody than that. Same as before.
123.45–124.73s: I feel like I'm being trolled here.
137.59–138.66s: Your arrows go ABACC, but the pitches are ABCBC.
139.52–141.23s: BAABACA --> CBCBCBA
141.88–142.52s: ABAB --> ABAC
143.16–144.02s: ABABA --> ABACA
144.88–146.80s: Mirror these.
147.23–148.09s: ABCB --> ABAC
148.09–148.73s: ABCD --> ABAB
150.88–164.59s: And then those melodies repeat. And the rest of the file is nothing new.


Monday (psychozerosk8er) 6/10 [+.]
- 8th note at beat 46.5 isn't there.
- beat 318 zero has two cyllables
- PR is generally non-existent, but even overlooking that it doesn't stop that this file drawls on for like 2 minutes longer than it should. For how simple it's stepped it's way too long, there needs to be a happy medium where people of any skill can enjoy the difficulty if you're going to step 3+ minute songs.
- That being said, the steps timed correctly, you just need to add to it or cut the song.


Monday (psychozerosk8er)
Score: 6/10 [+.]
• Pitch relevancy could use some work in most, if not, ALL areas of the chart.
• You could've went the extra mile by stepping the bg synth starting at 27.857, that way, it's not so much of a snoozefest.
• Second half kicks up a bit, but I don't get why you waited a whole minute to start using jumps in the chart.
• Overall, it could've been better. Felt half-assed to me, but it is what it is.

Common issues, or perceived issues: Song choice and stepping style (jumps/sync/pr). For the song choice, I have no intention of cutting or changing the song in any way. It's long and fairly repetative, deal with it. It's not the first time that a long and repetative song would be placed into the game, assuming this would be accepted, and it shouldn't be the last. Another big issue is that this song didn't contain any PR. If you have to have PR in a file this simple f**k off. Might it improve the file, yes that could be possible, but is it absolutely necessary, no. I believe that one of the reviews on the file completely trashed the file simply because of this stepping style. I challenge you to step this file, hell take my chart and fix it for this batch, to see if it really makes the file that much better. I highly doubt that the intended audience for this file would really notice the difference between correct PR for this and not. Not having seen the file recently, I can't comment on the repetative-ness of the file, so trusting the judges on that aspect this could be cleaned up so that it's not a completely repeating itself. Now, all ranting aside I do not believe that the result that this file got was fair based solely on the issues with the PR. If it is far too repetative to be allowed in that is one thing.

Qu'est ce que c'est

DossarLX ODI
Qu'est ce que c'est (psycho)
- Some of the vocals are mistepped.
- m24, inconsistent jumps. Same thing with m28, the vocals should be single notes like you were doing for all the previous measures.
- The changing between the instruments and the vocals is confusing and doesn't make this file cohesive.
- The percussion in this song would make for some interesting steps, but you ignore it and put a big focus on the vocals. This file feels emptier due to it (especially where there are those cymbal crashes, which some of them you didn't step at all). I recommend finding a layering layout for this song, figuring out something that would mix well with both the vocals and the percussion. Switching back and forth like this with inconsistent jumps makes the file confusing to follow.


[1/10] Qu'est-ce que c'est / psycho
// Gets off-sync, because it's a non-constant BPM and not perfectly quantized.
// The PR is almost passable, but all the empty spaces and incorrect rhythms are a huge detriment to the file.
For incorrect rhythms, check around: 20.25, 46.58, 50.18, 52.92, 55.15, 60.29, 65.26, 83.94, 85.32, 88.06, 90.46, 103.49, 108.97, 118.06, 121.48, 124.23 ... and that's only half of the file.
9.89–10.58s: These three notes should all be on the same arrow, and fix all the repetitions of this: 75.72, 81.20, etc.
149.42: The antithesis of climax theory: filling in the even-softer break more than the chorus.


Qu'est ce que c'est (psycho) 4/10 [+?]
- Sync is about 20ms early
- missing an arrow at beat 44
- Overall there's a lot of dead space with nothing stepped, try to use some transitionary material between the lyrics.
- beat 133 is stepped wrong.
- beat 145 the 8th is early.
- beat 153 the 8th is early.
- beat 160 the 4th is late.
- I could go on but you get the idea, just need to fix the timings and fill the dead air.
- Also WAY too long. Like, double what it should be.


Qu'est ce que c'est (PsychozeroSk8r)
Score: 5/10 [+?]
• Offset changed to 0.625 from 0.600. Better sync with the improvement.
• 46.220: Starting here, you have the 'and escape' lyrics stepped incorrectly. They're all 4ths, no 8th included.
• 50.162, 52.905: Change to 4ths.
• This chart drags on and on with the same technical errors in the following verses. Didn't like the pseudo-hold note
gaps, and you this should probably require a cut.

Common issues, or perceived issues: Song choice, sync, and stepping style (jumps/sync/pr). For the song choice, I have no intention of cutting or changing the song in any way. It's long, I agree, but I wanted the entire song as there was a bit of a story to it. Cutting would just take away from this, and isn't entirely necessary. I knew that there were probably issues with the sync for this, see previous notes for current issues, however I figured it was decent, but nowhere near as poor as commented on in these reviews. No real complaints with that, though any assistance with correcting this sync would be greatly appreciated. This was easily the the lowest quality file that I submitted, and also the only file that I really tried to force the steps for, though that being said I feel that the majority of the reviews did not disapprove of the step choices, mostly just the sync issues. This review was arguably the best of all of my files, only for really cracking down on sync issues.

I would not be surpised if none of these files are accepted into the game. Feel free do dispute any of these claims or explain why you think that I am wrong (Probably best to use PM so as not to derail the thread). I would really hope that someone might be able to assist me with fixing these charts up a bit to be accepted later. Realizing the amount of work that could be required depending on the song these would probably result in a collaboration of sorts. I would hope that these files won't fall into the same issues that Skeletor had, taking years to finally be accepted, even after complying with all requested changes and partially ruining the file.

Originally Posted by Lightdarkness
I'm light f**king darkness
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