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Old 06-21-2012, 07:24 PM   #6
DossarLX ODI
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Default Re: Hi, I'm new to this game.

Scythe of 13
This is a type of file that causes splitting issues. The keyboard you have can result in uncontrollable splitting. However in a case like Scythe of 13, it can be lowered by emphasizing jumps more so you aren't splitting jumps as so many 1 frame gallops. Tap harder on jumps/hands/etc. if you can, it helps prevent your fingers from getting "lazy" and screwing up a transition, but some patterns are inevitably gross in some files.

This is entirely physical. The most prominent muscle that flexes for this is your Brachioradialis. If this muscle isn't flexing properly, wristjacking and vibrating are basically impossible.

Stiffness is also very bad. Stretch your pinky and ring fingers as much as possible so they don't wind up interfering excessively in gameplay. If you're vibrating/wristjacking excessively, these fingers are staying in the same position, which would explain how they'd get stiff fast; they aren't being used. Of course there are other finger exercises you can do during the day such as playing piano or whatever, but don't make them stay in the same position continuously for long periods of time. This is what happened when my pinky/ring fingers were in the same position for some time and it hindered gameplay.

If your ring and pinky fingers are stiff, you *WILL* severely limit your gameplay. They still get in the way for me a good amount of times, but I've dealt with it.
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file
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