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Old 06-8-2012, 11:08 AM   #3285
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Default Re: SM Scores ~2012 Remix~

you have such crazy speed/stamina
i'm pretty close if not a tiny bit ahead of that earthquake 1.0 (i haven't aa'd ever tho :/) but the rest of those scores blow me away in terms of cbs
it's also pretty comforting knowing you play c750 and not something crazy high like some other speedy players like stai. however im confused as to how you read 2.25x on ffr, i use 755/760 on sm and 2.08 on ffr lol, even 2.1 throws me off. i suppose its just cause im so used to it, i should try getting used to a higher ffr speed i guess

Last edited by [TeRa]; 06-8-2012 at 11:12 AM..
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