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Old 06-1-2012, 03:46 PM   #4110
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by The_Popo View Post
i think that i could probobly play pretty good at that level of elo its just that i main support so its really hard to carry a team and raise your elo when tis this low as support like litereally all i get are trolls leavers and feeders so its to the point were i have to start jungleing or midding every game now and not play what i want. like in my opinion elo is a horrible rnaking system becausse it says nothing on how you are as a player which sucks but i guess we have to deal with it. thats why i want to try and find a ranked team so that i can get more used to team play
that's your first mistake. if you know you are much better than the enemy team, you should be playing a role that will net you gold. if you play support then you're putting the responsibility of high reward plays on your allies. when I play "support" at low elo, I just take the creeps because nobody is last hitting. by around 10 min, each ad carry will have 30 cs and you'll have 50

while it's not a great system, it's not horrible. it's true that a 1600 player might end up in 1800 or get stuck in 1400, but my point still stands. if you're rated at 800, there is no way you belong in a game with 1400+. if you're rated at 800 it's because you don't understand how to carry a game. it's as simple as that
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