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Old 05-24-2012, 10:36 PM   #54
DossarLX ODI
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Default Re: Suspicious scores thread~

Alright, so I went through some stuff that should've been dealt with a long time ago but still has been sitting.

- alt
- MasterOfTheTaco's scores should be wiped already. There is no reason for his scores to still be up when there's a plethora of evidence for botting
- ssbmchamp has already been proven to have bot play involved in his better scores, and he has a lot of these; they're just overlooked by the overmashed ones that make more sense. Music For Kirby for example is still up and that score had zeroframe syndrome. And this isn't the only one either; there's WWE, RATO, Eclipse, and even more. Honestly should be wiped.
- Ziergdsx18 and Dragon Shot's scores on Crowdpleaser should be removed. I already looked into these a while ago. Dragon Shot should also be scorewiped from botting.
- OpTic NaDeShoT's score on Kidney Stone ( 1617 - 0 - 2 - 0 - 18 ) should be removed. His levelstats show someone that basically has no interest in this game; scorewiping to remove his other two VC scores should also happen.
- percussion15. 25 goods on DP? Bizarre boo scores? This guy should be scorewiped too. His scores make no sense and also suggest zeroframe bot syndrome play from the boos.
- condoct. How has nobody even spoken up about him. Everyone says it's obvious and then none of you even bother ?_?
- Rooobin. lmfao this guy, 102 boos and 2 goods on Legendary Etude, blackflag on blooddrunk, zero goods 98 boos on Sensorium, and a lot of other retarded scores. Scorewipe needed.
- lemonman96's scores on RunnyMorning and Final Fantasy Last Battle Festival need to be removed. Same with Beast&Harlot's impossible score on FFLBF.

Originally Posted by Zyphoror View Post
who dat Jack Wolf guy@@@. 5 FGO AAAs, 5 gameplays. WHOSE ALT@@@!@
One Winged Angel + Jack Wolf = 2x speedmod

Technique on Adventures of Lolo for both = Hit quads on 24ths

I'm 99% sure Jack Wolf is OWA because of this. The technique is basically the same.

Side note

Beast&Harlot needs to be wiped too, he has several impossible scores (AIM Anthem, Vertex Beta, etc)
Originally Posted by hi19hi19 View Post
oh boy, it's STIFF, I'll stretch before I sit down at the computer so not I'm not as STIFF next time I step a file

Last edited by DossarLX ODI; 05-24-2012 at 10:58 PM..
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