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Old 05-13-2012, 11:20 AM   #3967
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
This was a pretty intense game. I dc'd for the first time ever which totally glitched me out. There were random minions everywhere. I couldn't target towers. It was very strange.
If you want all of that to go away you can restart your client, should set everything back to normal. Of course then you have to wait another however long, so there's a tradeoff. Most of the time the not targeting towers thing isn't a big deal because you can simply stand next to it and you'll start attacking it, assuming it's clear of creeps and such, but the phantom creep waves are insanely annoying. I could see it being ignorable as a support, but it can be pretty impossible to deal with when you need to cs, especially if they're the kind that let you click on them.
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