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Old 05-12-2012, 10:56 AM   #3415
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

Shotgun Surgery: 6-8-7-7-8-6, 7 avg.
Chris R Battle Theme: 6-6-8-7-6-8 6.83 avg

Some judges expressed disagreement for the beginning one handed trills. I personnally find them just brutal enough, considering stamina wreck was my initial mind plan before coming to Samurai with it. I personnally mind a bit about changing them, but I will definitely comply with it if it's going to significantly improve the point. That reaction was a bit expected from the both of us, but we found it worth of trying to put it in like it is now. Changes aren't too big of a deal to undergo

Another point brought up by some of them is the lenght. I find that a bit sad to be honest... And I dunno how much of a problem this is. It's a pretty subjective point of view though, I like it at that lenght and constant density because of two things. A: It's not a repetitive song at all, and B: The whole thing is supposed to be a stamina challenge. But there again, I'll talk about it with Luis, get his opinion etc.

Layering regarding hands and the solos was questionned at multiple parts, and I'll review all the issues with Luis later.

Other issues shouldn't be of any problem to fix (missing arrows, mixed up instruments, minijacks, etc). Still will have to check out with Luis, since he's responsible for the majority of the arrow layering.

I like what most judges had to say though, all very constructive criticism that will definitely help making this file even better (because I friggin' love it!!!), and also I find it cool that almost all judges covered different issues, which made the whole judging even more effective. Very happy with the file reception. It will also help with my future files.

I'm also proud that no one had issues with syncing. I had lots of fun with it (lol color changes that no one noticed for the sake of fun).

Lastly, thank you Luis, for giving me this experience. I wish that if there's a next time, the contribution will be more even from the two of us! I relied on you lots and hell it payed, you really kicked up my understanding of file making. And you're a killer guy.

FIRST OF ALL this file is shit. If I think it's shit, why did I submit it? Because I didn't know what I was sending. Here's the story.

I step with DDream and save my projects on my desktop. When I want to test a file, I copy it in Stepmania's song folder and play it on SM because I'm all over downscroll, which doesn't exist in DDream. On my last SM playthrough, I noted all the remaining errors and fixed them on the day of submission, and didn't play through the final product. I saved on the desktop. Then I when to submit but DERP I sent what was in my SM folder. Stupid me. I was truly hoping for a low pass so I could send decent fixes that already cover most of what the judges had to say, especially regarding most of the jump and anchor questionnings, lol.

However, some things are interesting to me, and I'll surely check these out. I'll do my best to iron those troubles out and as much of the generic-ness as possible too, and send the actual final product.

Great reviews again. I guess I got really lucky!!

You guys kick ass.
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