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Old 04-29-2012, 10:16 AM   #94
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Default Re: Terry's Astronomy Thread.

What's in the sky tonight?
April 29, 2012
-The Moon shines near the Leo-Cancer border, forming a roughly straight line with, running to its left or upper left: 4th-magnitude Omicron Leonis, 1st-magnitude Regulus, and zero-magnitude Mars.

Astro Picture of the Day:
April 29, 2012

Why does this star have so few heavy elements? Stars born in the generation of our Sun have an expected abundance of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium mixed into their atmospheres. Stars born in the generation before our Sun, Population II stars, the stars that created most of the heavy elements around us today, are seen to have some, although fewer, elements heavier than H and He. Furthermore, even the elusive never-seen first stars in the universe, so-called Population III stars, are predicted to have a large mass and a small but set amount of heavy elements. Yet low-mass Milky Way star SDSS J102915+172927, among others, appears to have fewer metals than ever predicted for any stars, including at least 50 times less lithium than came out of the Big Bang. The unusual nature of this star, initially cataloged by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and pictured above, was discovered by detailed spectroscopic observations by a large VLT telescope in Chile. Many models of star formation indicate that such a star should not even form. Research is ongoing, however, with one leading hypothesis holding that fragile primordial lithium was destroyed in the star's hot core.
1st in Kommisar's 2009 SM Tournament
1st in I Love You`s 2009 New Year`s Tournament
3rd in EnR's Mashfest '08 tournament
5th in Phynx's Unofficial FFR Tournament
9th in D3 of the 2008-2009 4th Official FFR Tournament
10th in D5 of the 2010 5th Official FFR Tournament
10th in D6 of the 2011-2012 6th Official FFR Tournament

FMO AAA Count: 71
FGO AAA Count: 10

Bluearrowll = The Canadian player who can not detect awkward patterns. If it's awkward for most people, it's normal for Terry. If the file is difficult but super straight forward, he has issues. If he's AAAing a FGO but then heard that his favorite Hockey team was losing by a point, Hockey > FFR
PS: Cool AAA's Terry
- I Love You

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