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Old 04-16-2012, 01:19 PM   #3524
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by bluguerrilla View Post
The main problem is I want to learn Olaf but you can mess up SO SPECTACULARLY with him it's not even funny.
Put a point in your axe for easy harass at the start, max e first and bully your opponent out of the lane. Don't be afraid to 1v1, the enemy will likely lose because of your passive as long as you don't fight them on a creep wave or something. If you're having a rough time put a point in w earlier than you normally would for the lifesteal. I normally max q after e because idiots who try to fight you in melee range will have to deal with two nukes with low cds alongside your built in lifesteal, attack speed, and tankiness.

I normally do a different build than normal Olaf players, I pick up a wriggle's and bloodtirster early on and eventually replace wrig's with a second bloodthirster. Used to give like 80% lifesteal total with your w up, but idk what the new numbers are. It's hilarious walking into a team and 1v4ing, healing for 800 every hit while being un-cc-able. Downside to the build is you're much more glass cannon than olaf normally is, but I find it a fair enough trade off since you can drop people much faster than normal and your lifesteal happens to give quite a bit of tankiness, assuming you aren't being kited.
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