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Old 03-30-2012, 04:08 AM   #4932
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Default Re: FFR Scores ~2012 Remix~


This game is pretty freakin neat now. Noteskins? Speedmods? New themes? (or whatever you wanna call that "velocity" thing, it's really cool). And from some of the newer songs I've played the stepfiles are pretty well made and fun. I think I might get back into FFR. For the moment I'm just AAA hunting all the easy shit since my laptop keyboard isn't really up to the challenge of the more difficult songs.

Also, wow. Revo, molto, and minute waltz have all been AAAd. What the ****. How are you guys doing those trills on minute waltz o.O I suppose FFR's somewhat more lenient accuracy allows for a well executed and lucky jumptrill type technique to AAA a fast enough trill, but wow that's still extremelt impressive.
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