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Old 03-21-2012, 01:40 AM   #1077
Kawaii Desu Ne?
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Default Re: Suspicious Scores thread (Formerly Hacked Scores)

Originally Posted by iironiic View Post
Why aren't you guys sick of popcorn yet? FFR consumes way too much for my liking...
To be honest, I don't like popcorn. :/ Hence why I haven't posted a popcorn.gif ever. xD

Originally Posted by i love you View Post
I'd have to agree with Midnight and reuben_tate. Some people needs to chill and appreciate the people who actually do give a shit about this site by contributing to it. Like me for example, if you thought that revising/redoing the Tier Point system was a simple task then think again.

PS: I think Dossar should be the one in charge of this thread. He is the best person I know who can analyze questionable scores better then anyone else. With his tools and playing experience, I can not see anyone else other then him taking the position.

PSS: I expect more drama on this thread after this post. Carry on.

EDIT: Thank you aperson for putting an end to this drama.
Thanks for agreeing. A lot of people don't know the sheer amount of effort it takes to do certain things on this site. For example, the conversion script that Iwrote was a hassle to do (lot's of debugging and working with exceptions, lol) but I'm sure that what I did is just a marble in a football field compared to rest of the coding going into the tier point system.

Originally Posted by aperson View Post



Thanks for taking the time to analyze replay data to validate scores. Since I've started playing in 2003, tracking down definitive proof of cheating has been extremely hard to do and there are many players that have slipped through the cracks. It's nice to actually be able to parse out what is legitimate versus what isn't, and it's nice to be able to accurately set the metric for competitive play by filtering out these erroneous scores.


Everyone else,

This thread has a pretty clear purpose -- Find suspicious scores and analyze them. I don't know what pathetic sense of schadenfreude causes you all to constantly devolve into a scene out of Lord of the Flies, but I hope you're aware that if you keep it up you'll effectively kill the community you spend a lot of your time on. Moving forward, if you do something purposelessly antagonistic to another member of this site, you will be banned.

If you repeatedly do this, you are demonstrating to me that you no longer wish to have any association with the site. As such, I will be permanently banning your IP, deleting all of your accounts, and deleting all of your scores.




Now... back to suspicious scores
Thanks for laying down the law aperson. That post of yours was well needed.

Not happening now! Don't click to join!

Originally Posted by Spenner View Post
(^)> peck peck says the heels
Originally Posted by Xx{Midnight}xX
And god made ben, and realized he was doomed to miss. And said it was good.
Originally Posted by Zakvvv666
awww :< crushing my dreams; was looking foward to you attempting to shoot yourself point blank and missing
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