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Old 03-18-2012, 10:01 AM   #61
FFR Player
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Default Re: FFR Community Pack Spring 2012 Released

Originally Posted by moches View Post
Here's what I've played so far, see if you can find your file

우주 비디오 게임 노래
I'd complain about the 32nd patterns/jack distribution but no need; it's a rigid, ruthless scoring file that suits its purpose very well.

1분에 천박자
Oni’s pretty fun. BPM a bit too varied to be playable—may be a slight problem on xmod.

Quit out after a bit. A bit overlong and song’s not too interesting for stepping (good song though, I’ll give you credit for that). Also lots of layering confusion and inconsistencies. Most of my complaints with this have to do with its simplicity actually. Not necessarily a bad thing, but file’s not engaging enough to overcome that.

앨리스 증후근
Not that bad, but I've played this file before. wish you would have gone a bit more creative with this

일어나는 늑대의 의식 ㅋㅋ
At least this is fairly accurate. Just incredibly awkward to play with all the bursts and jacks that don’t really fit with the music. Easier chart is slightly better but still very wonky as well, tons of difficulty spikes and layering choices that I really can’t understand ??

Very cool mines, freezes, and the whole thing feels incredibly cool to watch. I really wish the patterns here were more carefully constructed, though.

흑우 - 바이올린
Not a fan of this file, sorry; too much stream, strings seem very haphazardly layered (when you’re utilizing longer freezes, it’s important to take into consideration how everything else around it will flow) and not enough variety to compensate.

엑스 브랜드
Minimalistic but it suits this song quite well; though I thought some parts could use a little more flair your file was sturdy enough to stand without them. Very fun file, rolls off the fingers well even with all those jacks and bursts. Overall not a lot to say, I enjoyed this.

보호된 세상에 일어나기
So, them color notes...guess it was easier to do that than just sync the whole thing correctly, hehe. Still synced well so doesn't matter though. Patterns could have been a lot better (pitch is way way off), but the song really saves this—it’s so relaxing and sweeping that I can’t help but like this.

바다마를 부른다??
Simple but tons of fun. Really dig this file.

너의 정을 숨길 수 없음
Not as distinctive as its prequel but still hella well-constructed and fun.

초사이 켄보 ㅁㄴ엉ㄴㅁ
Sharpnel file on crack but quite a blast to play with all the MA practice green note spurts and the streams. Simple but effective.

겁쟁이를 죽이는 시간
What is the measure of a true dump

크렁크 크렁크 크렁크 - 2장
So many spiritual sequels in this pack, wow. This is a totally sexy file though and I want to kiss you on the mouth.

문 (리믹스)
Nice. patterns could have been much more balanced at spots (the triple jacks and the 32nds in particular) but the layering brings out the rhythms of the song very well

Awesome use of climax theory and very good expressive techniques for a pretty simple song. I’d say more but this is just solid all-around, excellent work.

The original is so iconic that it’s kinda a gutsy move to restep it, but this is pretty respectable. Pretty loaded with score fodder, whether it’s the jacks, the streams, the little pockets of bursts, and quite well-crafted all-around. A little awkward at times, but I’m still glad you got to make this file.

Very FFR, but that's not bad at all. clean, good for scoring. long jack was a bit abrupt and freeze usage could have been more judicious

메인 메뉴
I ****ing love this file. So clean, so easy, yet so whimsical and inspired that I can’t even really criticize it. Experience tells me that good files are born out of sweat and blood: this file reminds me that inspiration plays a pretty damn big part as well.

No, but seriously, file’s awesome.

*(#*($#@ 어려운 노래
Some dork will get the AA on this…someday....

2번째 녹음
VGMP-style file but nothing wrong with that: pretty simple and fun. A little pattern bias, maybe.

뇌의 지도?
Straightforward and enjoyable. I still enjoy the original more, but this is plenty fun on its own.

우산 해운대
There’s an unabashed joy in this file that I really dig; the rhythms and patterns may be a tad sloppy, but whatevs this is pretty darn fun to play. My love for this song may be coloring my perception of the file a bit, I must admit, but there’s some pretty cool stuff in here regardless of that.

애덤레빈 너무 섹시하다
Interesting song choice and file’s pretty fun (albeit incredibly scatterbrained).

Decent file, but reaches a climax of inspired lunacy that kinda upstages the rest of the file. This stepman’s efforts are clearly flourishing with each file, though.

나를 사랑하기 위해 내가 너를 위해 ??? 한다... -.-
Like I am towards all sequels, I was a bit skeptical of this, but this is a fantastic reinterpretation of the source material. A few awkward splotches, especially with jacks, but really really fun and good for scoring

에드워드 컬렌이 왕자다
Very cool usage of background changes, so props. Some parts of this are very well done, but others felt a bit confusing because you oversimplified or didn't bring out the layers well enough. Decent overall, nice for 16th rhythm practice and song’s pretty nice.


우리가 소리다
Pretty stunning.

너의 무기를 올려봐라!
Pretty nice file, but somehow I feel that the file doesn’t quite match the bombast of the song…it needs a bit more texture, a bit more depth. Still a lovely file, but not as transcendent as the song is really. (This is me being a snob. Sorry.)

알 토넬리코
I’m not going to even lie, this file just had me grinning like a dork the whole time. I love all of the [video game title here] files you’ve done and this is just another addition to that streak of awesome.

로마가 타고있다
Sort of old-fashioned style to this, which I enjoy, but that also means it can be abrasive at times. Pretty fun.
Well I "think" you played my Love BBB O.o............ ehm... I guess...
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