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Old 03-18-2012, 09:46 AM   #261
FFR Player
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 145
Default Re: Anime North 2012 Attendance List

Instead of taking the bus I decided to take my SUV, it would be more convenient. It is a Honda Pilot 04 with a navigation system and it fits a good amount of people, if I were to pick up people on the way.

I'm driving from Austin, Texas and there are three routes I can take to get there according to my iphone. I'll take route 2 ( 1 day 2 hours) since its 2 hours faster than the other two routes. I'll be passing through North Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. So if you live in one of those states and want to hitch a ride let me know with time (good planning.) Also it would be very helpful if I do end up picking up whoever if they could help out with gas, if not I'll cover it (everyone is tight on budget apparently.) I'd like to switch with someone on the wheel too, so if you can drive (license please!) even better and less draining!

Regarding where I would stay most likely Double tree or Holiday Inn. I was planning to get a double to fit more people. Omgfail might potentially room with me, nothing for sure though. So if anyone is interested, please let me know.

I might cosplay as Asuka or just buy an Evangelion shirt or tank and wear it with jeans or shorts depending on the weather. Still debating on it!!!

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