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Old 03-16-2012, 02:05 PM   #2
Dark Chancellor
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Default Re: Solo Rulz Pack 2


(Melon) Rage of Demon
-Great difficult file. If it's ok with you, I'd like to re-arrange a few patterns (especially that 24th one handed trill was a little too much). Otherwise good stuff hard pain step. The hard chart was honestly my favorite but that's because I suck hehu.

(Aloola) Bussanten no Uta
-These patterns are so hard hfviodajvoisdja however I'm going to have to change the 24th jump aids to single notes if you're ok with that.

(lurker) Proper Mid-Fi
-Very lurker-esque file, great difficulty and awesome track. Bumping up the difficulty cuz of the jacks though.

(0 + Torrent) Omanpo
-Hard pain step.

(Icyworld) Paranormal
-Pretty good file for someone with less solo experience. Might switch up a few patterns but this is pretty good.

(Lynn) Someday
-super fun file, well crafted and has a nice little climax with brackets at the end

(Lynn) Leave me Alone
-this is my favorite file from you. awesome use of jacks and really fun overall.

(ca25nada) Just Follow Time
-Really chill file. Bumping up the difficulty because of difficult ending

(Valor) W
-you've got great potential to step for solo, but this song is simply brutal. Pick a steppable song I'm curious to see what you could come up with.

(Detrimentalist) Sky Clad Observer
-very yes, fantastic. ending is hard pain MA

(Lynn) Wuv U
-file was great. the first half had some really nice flowing patterns. then the 32nds came around and kinda messed up everything haha. I'll see if there are some other patterns that could work a little better for that measure.

(ca25nada) My Dearest
-Really great file. Fix the sync at the end though, might be drifting

(ca25nada) Sign Mellow
-Chill file, flows really well. Pack needs more files like these

(Niko) Cadence
-very fun. heavy on the layering for all the right reasons. very friendly patterns.

(Valor) Let's Sing
-Fixed this up, good to go.

(FoxX) Pier Walk
-The two easy charts are fine. One complaint is that the medium chart has 12th mini-jacks which should just be alternating notes for this difficulty. File also needs two harder charts.

(bmah) Love in the Limo
-Your patterns are almost as bad as Aloola files lmao. Difficulty is based almost entirely on pattern choices, but this works.

(Sargon) Sumidagawa Karenka
-man this was really fun. refreshing and original, especially with the mine tricks.

(Kinx) Romeo N Juliet
-great easy file. love dat loungy bossa nova feel

(Yesssss) Rebirth the Edge
-This feels like a cross between your Calling an Awakening Memory file and o2jam hold charts, which isn't totally a bad thing. Great challenge. The hard chart was my favorite though.

(Yesssss) Whiptime
-The split concept for this file is brilliant. I understand why you wanted those specific gfx haha.

(HST) Nippon Egao Hyakkei
-really fun simple file. one of the better animus

(Sargon) [E]
-best file in the pack.

Last edited by kommisar; 07-23-2012 at 12:47 PM..
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