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Old 03-14-2012, 04:48 PM   #2864
lol happy
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Default Re: hi19hi19's Delicious Custom Theme Tournament

Originally Posted by Breakdown16 View Post
The only question is whether to use the 900/729 scoring method.
That's the only question I'm asking. I decided early on to use all 3 scoring methods and that has not changed, nor will it.

I already know how I would have done it with regards to the Tournament Points (I've been calculating them roughly as we go)- I was using the 1000/1000/1000/900 system.
But qqwref has brought up an interesting alternative and I am liking the arguments so far for the 1000/1000/1000/729 method. I'll say right now the difference between the systems is pretty minor in end results because of how few ties there were in this tournament. But the principle of the thing is still absolutely worth discussing.

Unlike some other tournament hosts *cough* I'm not ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED the way I do things is the best way. If people bring up convincing arguments for something to change, I will consider it.
I won't change something specifically to help anyone get more credits or whatever, that would be absurd. But if the argument they present is reasonable and fair, then it's only reasonable and fair on my end to give their ideas a chance to be said. Having a dialogue with your tournament participants is a good thing.

Last edited by hi19hi19; 03-14-2012 at 04:52 PM..
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