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Old 03-10-2012, 09:15 PM   #4
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Default Re: hi19hi19's Delicious Custom Theme Tournament

Round 7
Theme: Stepmania Classics
About the theme:
Welcome to the Stepmania Masterpiece Theater!
In today's feature presentation we will be listening to some of the old standbys of the Stepmania Scores thread.
(fun fact: did you know the SM scores thread used to be called the "The one screenshot thread?")
I've taken 5 songs that will be familiar to any Stepmania veteran, and given my own take on the file.
As the final round, I've also gone for a bit of a "stamina file" theme.
I hope everyone enjoys this final round!

Artist: Dj Remo-con
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 10
Length: 1:58
Max Combo: 1150
Framers: 0,0,0,17,64

About the file: Okay, here's your very borderline FMO finals.
This file throws a bit of everything at you. The main focus of this file, however are the 32nd bursts.
At 145 bpm the bursts are absolutely not to be trifled with, and should be a good challenge for D1.
If you get past the bursts unscathed, don't forget about the jack and minijack sections and the jumpstreams!
I hope you've brought all your skills to the finals, because this file is a tough one.

Return of Salieri
Artist: Warmen
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 11
Length: 4:48
Max Combo: 2794
Framers: 0,0,0,14,67

About the file: The band Warmen has always made very steppable music.
The original file to this song, by DukAmok, was actually quite similar to the file I've made.
I have brought it up to date with pitch relevant patterns and a few hands (as opposed to the index patterns Duk used).
These long 143 bpm 24th streams should are a little easy for D2A and probably a little hard for D2B, but D2 was a tough balance for me to get right.
Regardless, I hope everyone enjoys this file, I know I sure do

Emerald Sword [Heavy]
Artist: Rhapsody
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 11
Length: 4:18
Max Combo: 2879
Framers: 0,0,0,0,0

About the file: Emerald Sword was THE 180 bpm stream file everyone played back in the day.
The original by skor was and still remains a benchmark by which people judge their stream speed, on keyboard and pad.
My take on this song adds some jumps into the streams. If you aren't yet used to stamina files, this will surely get your fingers going!

Emerald Sword [Oni]
Artist: Rhapsody
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 12
Length: 4:18
Max Combo: 3123
Framers: 0,0,0,0,0

About the file: Handstream!
This is either a very high FMO or a very low FGO due to length.
I rated high but if you guys are not having trouble with this I can move it down.

One More Lovely [Heavy]
Artist: Risk Junk
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 12
Length: 1:50
Max Combo: 1689
Framers: 0,0,0,0,289

About the file: One More Lovely, a classic song for Pad and Keyboard players alike.
One More Lovely has been stepped by many, such as original simfiling titans Eggman and Toph.
This file is a pretty traditional jumpstream take on OML, similar in style to Toph's Oni chart.
The file is quite dense and absolutely relentless, clocking in at 16 NPS on the dot.
Hopefully, despite the very short length, this file will test your stamina to the max.

I'll be honest, this isn't the song or file I wanted to give to D4.
I have stepped literally half a dozen D4 finals files, and none of them were quite what I wanted.
This was the best out of all of them. Sorry I couldn't come up with something more epic, but I hope you still find this chart fun.

One More Lovely [Oni]
Artist: Risk Junk
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 12
Length: 1:50
Max Combo: 1836
Framers: 0,0,0,4,387

About the file: Let's talk a little bit about NPS.
NPS is used to measure the number of arrows per second you will be hitting over the course of the file.
For example, being the hardest public file on FFR, RATO has an NPS of 17.02

This file has an NPS of 17.39
Granted the patterns in this are much easier (just look at the framers count) but still. It's dense.
If this needs to be moved to a 13 that would be reasonable to do lol

D5D, D5C
Fury of the Storm [Heavy]
Artist: Dragonforce
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 13
Length: 6:46
Max Combo: 6166
Framers: 0,0,220,188,1133

About the file: So I had this really crazy idea, how would it feel if I perfectly synced a Dragonforce solo?
Well it turns out that Dragonforce is actually pretty drifty and not exactly 200 BPM like most people seem to think.
So over 1,400 BPM changes later, I have a well synced Dragonforce song. Then I got to work with the color arrows on the solo.
Overall this file took me about 8 hours to make, and I really enjoyed creating it.
The file has a bit of everything: plenty of minijacks, lots of jumpstream, lots of trills, rolls, polyrhythms...
Truly an epic and exhausting file fit for the finals. It's also a bit dumpy, but that comes with the terrirory XD

D5B, D5A
Fury of the Storm [Oni]
Artist: Dragonforce
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 14
Length: 6:46
Max Combo: 6323
Framers: 0,0,518,253,1031

About the file:

Note: some of the graphics are not finished yet. They will be there when I release the whole pack at the end.


Side Game: Quasar

When it comes to Stepmania Classics, few songs can beat Quasar for nostalgia factor.
This song has been stepped dozens of times, but I've managed to add something new to it
This is a file that lower division players will be able to read, but D5A won't be able to AAA.

The premise of this side game is simple: get the highest raw score on Quasar.
The highest scores in each division get credits.

Artist: Outphase
Steps: hi19hi19
Difficulty: 14
Length: 2:01
Max Combo: 1179

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