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Old 03-6-2012, 01:56 AM   #4
FFR Player
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Age: 33
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Default Re: My first simfile!

I personally don't like the freezes at the beginning, but you said you like freezes like that so oops.

Those 48th trills are definitely 48ths but you start them early and don't finish them on the 4th note. Intro kinda drags on, I'd layer the hi hats as well, to give it a bit more color until the 16th part comes in. Pitch relevancy shouldn't matter much, since it's your first file, but those 16ths are off in terms of what's playing. It should be something like left-left-right-left-left-right-left-left-left-left-right-left-left-right, etc. Not sure why you chose to change the bpm at this point. It's still on sync until you hit the 24ths, and as a result, the jump stream is off by a bit (.04 seconds, to be exact). That can be fixed by changing the slowdown bpm from 21.50 to 21.70.

Jumpstream is just your average everyday 175 bpm jumpstream, fits the song well enough but that jumptrill into the quad is awkward as all hell to hit. The freeze stream is weird, I wouldn't have stepped it like that myself, but again, you said you like freeze stream so that's your call. Kinda drags on a bit as well, I'd recommend that after the jumptrill at m58, you layer in the claps during the stream. Slowdown is kinda neat, mess around with making your freeze notes end whenever the sound does.

8th jump section after the slowdown feels like it's a bit random, but the main issue in this section is when the vocals come in again, you drop all of the jumps and it becomes merely 8th stream with freeze notes. That's fine for a small time but it drags on and on.

16th stream after this is pretty underlayered, in my opinion. You could still layer in the kick drums and turn the chimes that you currently have as jumps into hands. This stream also seems a bit random. If you're going for just a streamy feel, then you don't need to use pitch relevancy much. But you have trills in your stream when the synth is definitely not repeating itself as such.

The rest of the file is more of the stuff that I mentioned earlier, freeze streams and whatnot. Maybe layer in a bit more instruments or make the vocals jumps? That'll give the ending of the file more of a "this is the homestretch" feeling, if that makes sense. A little bit of climax theory.

Those 24ths... That is definitely not what the song is doing but in my opinion, they're fine because it's representative as the end of the file. I'd just change up the patterns a little bit to make it a tad easier to hit.

All in all, this is a pretty decent file for the first one you've released. If you have fun playing it, then the only thing you should change is that slow bpm issue (21.50 to 21.70).

Instead of making your own pack, make a couple files and send them to different packs. FFR Spring is about to be finished, so that's out. But I'm pretty sure FFRPartyy Pack 2 is being started soon, as well as a couple other smaller packs (maybe I'll start Dubstep Minipack 2 for real this time !). Generally, self released packs don't do as well as bigger packs, unless you're a well known simfile artist.
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