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Old 03-4-2012, 02:03 AM   #804
D8 Godly KeysmasherFFR Veteran
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Default Re: Suspicious Scores thread (Formerly Hacked Scores)

Originally Posted by ssbmchamp View Post
What you see are facts you havent considered since you're just like everyone else who takes this game wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to serious. If you think my logic is off...well your just incompetent. don't tell me to put up or shut up dude after i've explained myself more than enough times. if you don't like my reasoning/logic/facts/how i choose to play then don't read my posts about what i have to say and especially don't make comments about bout that? I'm different in the sense that i don't give 2 shits about dedicating my time to improve my skill level/rank and would rather have fun. sorry if i don't play the way you or the rest of the members want me to or think i should play the game. got anything else to say bro? I'm all ears.
It seems that every time someone asks to post scores regarding yourself, you bring a steadfast, hostile and negative attitude towards the people that are demanding evidence. Now, I may not be able to check level stats, but I could tell you if people are expecting a short two or three minute video justifying ONE of your FGO scores, do it to avoid further issues. I'm sure everyone would consider your legitimacy after doing such a thing. The tone and syntax you use while speaking only tells me that you're upset that people are putting you on the front lines of questioning. More so, it tells me that you're trying to back up yourself using this language and walls of text. Just post a bloody video. It's a one stop solution to end all the questioning surrounding you. Every time you post something so defensive and hostile on the forums, it only serves to have the other FFR'ers question you relentlessly.

Take being called a possible "cheater" as a compliment. Take it with a grain assault and serve an uppercut to all that call you a cheater by posting a video. If you continue to refuse a video, then they'll keep coming and coming.
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