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Old 03-3-2012, 12:27 PM   #794
Can't improve at this game.
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Default Re: Suspicious Scores thread (Formerly Hacked Scores)

Originally Posted by reuben_tate View Post
I don't mind if you play the game just for fun and to get GT, not everyone has the patience to sit down and grudgingly sit down and play every song over and over again until the get a score they are satisfied with. However, it seems like you just took the data I brought up and ignored it, without bothering to explain. I don't mind people getting god-like scores, but when people get a god-like score(s) while the rest of their levelranks show scores of an amateur-ish skill level, then it becomes suspicious. You have these scores in your levelranks that reflect the skill of a solid D6 player such as your Eclipse, Devour, and WWE scores, but the scores I posted in my other post reflect scores of a typical D3 player at best. I'm not calling BS on you, I'd just like an explanation as to why some of your scores reflect a vast difference in skill. Also, I'm curious as to where you got those 11 boos in that 2-0-0-11 run of Rocket Flight, that kind of score doesn't make sense to me.
Sorry if you thought i ignored the data you brought from what i recall i got most in the beginning during the 16th stream with jumps with a couple others mixed in near the end. I also played this after a day of whorring for points so i was just kinda playing it just to get my FC. Last time i was asked to "explain" it was Anaru who called me out (before i knew for sure he was a fake) but anyway i clearly explained my situation and after writing a shit ton he replys with: "yea i read the first few words then just stopped"....about one of the rudest things you can do so after that i was pretty pissed off that i took my time to explain only to be ignored....after that i flipped on him. anyways back on track let me just make a point and if any of my numbers are off feel free to correct me on them: to AAA a song, ANY song, you must be "perfect." perfect from what i've heard is hitting an arrow within 3 frames (this is what i'm not entirely sure about). ok so take that and consider this: each arrow added to a song decreases a players chance of a AAA (ex. just about anyone can get a AAA if a song had 1 arrow...add another arrow and you slightly decrease their chance because instead of doing 1 thing perfect they now have to do 2) so as you continue up into the 100's and 1,000's of notes your chances go down even more because now you have to do 100's or 1,000's of things perfect. factor in BPM, stamina, pattern changes, etc and that lowers your chances even further. In my situation, add in lag to that equation and my chances basically go cliff jumping. So why am i bringing this up you ask? Well because this is what you have to deal with if you want to strive to be "perfect," and i do not have this drive which is why i gave up on the easy songs you see and just play them for points. For the harder ones i had to sometimes wait 10 plays before the lag was even managable to play the whole thing. After dealing with that frustration (mind you i have a very short fuse) i said screw it im not dealing with this shit anymore, i'm just playing for fun. My theory has always been "a person is as good as their best rank" (not counting rank 1's unless it is a really difficult file). If a person made an account and mashed excite bike but AAA'd a level 8....that person's skill can be shown by the level 8, and that they didn't care about excite bike....same concept applies to me so i'm kinda confused as to why people can't grasp this concept.
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