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Old 02-4-2012, 02:29 AM   #19
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Default Re: Where do You Look at the Screen?

As I've said to some players, it's important to take advantage of reading the arrows at different places relative to the distance from the receptors. Playing casually, I'll look at where I'm normally comfortable at without thinking. However, when there's a song or section of a song in which I want to maintain accuracy, I'll stare closer to the receptors, like around where Dossar reads it. This helps ensure that I'm hitting the arrows as they come up towards the receptor, regardless of how well these arrows correlate to the music. Some examples of areas that I may do this includes a tricky to hit pattern or patterns that are susceptible to splitting (e.g. [13][24][13][24]).

By looking closer towards the receptor, your mind is really "screencutting" the game for you. If you played Stepmania with xmods, screencutting or looking close to the receptors would greatly help accuracy in songs with slow scrolling. This is no different than screencutting in other rhythm games. Players of the beatmania community used to screencut via a towel hanging from the top of their screens, which forces them to look closer at the note receptors (now the series have screencutting options/sudden modes).

So to answer the OP's question, I look at the screen in various places, but generally three quarters to the receptors (fairly close). Look even closer if you want to help ensure PA.
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