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Old 02-1-2012, 02:36 PM   #2743
i love you
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Default Re: Queue/Batch Discussion Thread v2 (Submission Closed)

To sum it up:

FFR: If a file ends up having framer issues or if it is "too hard" to hit for most people (in other words, if it contains awkward patterns), it is considered to be a BAD file for most people. It seems like nowadays even song choices plays a HUGE role in the FFR community as well. (EX: Long rock songs is considered to be a no-no) That also includes files with a lot of JS, jacks, and non-trillable/hard to trill roll patterns.

SM: A file judged for a stepmania pack is reviewed much more in-depth/strictly compared to files submitted to FFR because of the fact that SM files have more things that they take consider of such as hold usage, mine usage, and empty space. Most files are considered bad/dump on SM if the file contains vibra patterns, if it lacks consistency, if it contains basic errors, if it lacks variety and if the stepping "theory" you used makes the file look really bad (there are too much things to list) Song choice is judged MUCH more lenient on SM compared to FFR and JS files, jacky files and files with rolls/spins are things most people enjoy on SM (which most people on FFR hates more).

Problem for FFR: When you sometimes step files for FFR on stepmania (or ddream), there will be times when the file actually looks really good on stepmania but then when converted to FFR, it turns out being a piece of shit file that most people does not like (which usually causes most people to start hating on the person who stepped the file even though most of the time, it is not even their fault to begin with). This problem is avoidable if the stepper takes the time to convert his/her file into FFR to see how it would look on it but the problem with doing this is that it is more time consuming, there are some people do not know how to convert files, and they are some people (like me) who are too lazy for all that. So pretty much, this problem is unavoidable overall and there is nothing we can do about it unless if it were possible to make a FFR engine that was framer free with a converter that will work with it properly.

Problem for SM: Most files in FFR are basically too watered down for most SM people and so to them, most FFR files are considered bad because of that aspect. They are so used to files being more "full", "complete", and somewhat challenging which is why most SM players who comes to play FFR usually sticks with the harder FFR files more then the easier ones.

EDIT: This is just the way I see it so it is probably save to just not agree with me and argue :3 (I doubt I even made sense LOLOL)
The idea that RDCP 3 may come out in the future is a fun thought to have~

Last edited by i love you; 02-1-2012 at 02:41 PM..
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