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Old 01-28-2012, 03:33 AM   #2116
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Default Re: League of Legends

About to blow my brains out.

5's, Laning bot as Sona with Trist vs Cait and Garen.

We have a jungle Amumu, mid Akali and top Riven.
They have jungle Tryn, mid Malz and Kass.

All's going well. I get FB after Cait think's she can dive me at lvl 3 not realizing I can you know, just heal. I'm buying wards doing the usually support shiz. Never get ganked once. Lane phase ends, we win a few fights. I pink ward Baron and it runs out. We get killed all except for Amumu, who decides to push mid lane (which had both t2 turrets down on each side) while they take Baron. I'm screaming my head off at him to delay them as our team was about to spawn..."STFU SONA U BAD"

Me: 2/3/17
Him: 1/7/14

Whatever, they get it. We d around our base while I throw some wards up in our jungle. One ward catches Cait and them right as they were coming for us so we back up THANKS TO ME. So now our whole team is on our mid base turret and three from the other team are just sitting in a warded bush. Without warning, no ping or nothing Amumu just runs in and ults while everyone else just follows. Oh! Yeah, the other two from enemy team just run up behind them and kill four while Im sitting there like yeah you ****ing idiot mummy just to be told "OMFG SONA U SUX Y NO FIGHT OMFG"

I don't think I've ever raged so hard. Amumu failed many ganks while I did my job, which was sitting Trist who had the highest CS.

He would also come take our blue AS I was doing it.

So after we lose he decided to be all "LOL LOOK AT UR BUILD LOLOLOLOL"

I build aggressive AP Sona which is why my lane usually demolishes. Ring-CDR boots/wards-Wand/Giants Belt - Rylai's.

Why Rylai's? It gives me everything I'm looking for in an AGGRESSIVE SUPPORT. Health, AP and a slow. So when we're team fighting, throw out a Q-Ult when needed and then E. They're slowed, we're sped up. Remember, I play AGGRESSIVE SUPPORT. Not that pussy mp5/gp5/aura-whore shit.

tl;dr I can't win a game to save my ****ing life. About to blow my head off.

LoL is the only game that I've actually gotten THAT mad at. I've uninstalled it about three times and tonight was almost a fourth. **** everything.
Originally Posted by Choofers View Post
i was up aound 11 ish to my my mom textinin me over voaevover avo oover, asking if o wamt food from china so i said hai and off sent went to a p; blasnd buffet bu o wl who cares
Originally Posted by cetaka View Post
whats namine like in person
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