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Old 01-25-2012, 05:57 PM   #2082
FFR Veteran
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Default Re: League of Legends

that's what metagame is dude

champ #1 is worse than champ #2 at a designated role (tank, support, carry, bruiser) and thus most people end up using champ #1 instead of #2

then most people just call champ #1 bad because #2 is a more viable pick

example) lee sin jungle > most other junglers, and thus people see more successful ganks with lee sin, resulting in a "bad" image for other junglers (warwick is a good example - overshadowed by so many other junglers, even with his great ult cc)

example2) rammus tank > many other tanks, because of great kit (why do you rarely see moekai and galio in ranked?)

but yeah ashe isn't BAD.. she's just hard to be GOOD with
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