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Old 01-15-2012, 12:01 AM   #1935
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Default Re: League of Legends

It's all situational. Tryndamere is great on some team compositions/against some team compositions, and bad against others. That's why it's important to understand picks.

He's not overpowered. People just think he is because he snowballs hard and he can secure kills pretty easily in mid game against people you're able to outplay. At that point he becomes a wrecking ball of destruction and the other team perceives this to be an op champ, even though they did it to themselves.

I got /all rage dumped on by a team today because I went like 15-0 and carried a team that was failing super hard to an undeserved win. They were convinced it was because Tryndamere was OP, without consideration to the fact that:

1. Multiple times they fed me due to bad play and no wards
2. Did not control red buffs. I stole many times, and who the hell allows Tryndamere to get free reds from your jungle?
3. I had double their best CS.

Clearly they couldn't have been getting outplayed. <_>

please lane against my trynd. I would love to see you push me out of lane
Yeah uh, who the hell pushes Tryndamere with proper runes out of lane?

I'm curious. I haven't ran him against everyone...but I haven't had any problems getting pushed out of lane against anyone. Kennen seems tough, but just wait a bit. If he is running ap runes eventually you can just kill him pretty easily if he's being a cocky little shit.

Maybe Akali. I've had some problems with her, but I had a jungle once that picked up oracles. It's kinda funny actually; you can dump all over akali so easily when she can't use shroud lmao. He camped her lane and fed me like 3 kills, and then it was an easy snowball.

Last edited by Reach; 01-15-2012 at 12:10 AM..
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