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Old 01-14-2012, 06:17 PM   #1923
FFR Veteran
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by _Stepdude_ View Post
I see someone hasn't been playing his blitzcrank lately.

go nuts

edit: also building 1k mana bonus for manamune is completely not worth the gold

you're going to have to cast like 250 spells for that 1k bonus. let me remind you blitz does not spam spells.
i also hope you know blitz is going to be protecting his carry most of the time so once again, not spamming spells.

we're talking about building up tear from EARLY game when hooks and CRUCIAL. what this means is you'll probably start with meki's or get meki's as your 2nd or 3rd item. during that time you could've spent $ on working towards a sheen. you will most likely not reach 1k (20+40 AD) status until late game. you could've spent that money on phage or sheen first, building a more tanky blitz.

but w/e your opinion lmao

also blitz does not scale well in damage lategame. you work as a 40% cdr R spam/heavy CC tank. -_-

ALSO getting 60 AD from manamune won't matter for shit because everyone runs armor seals these days. not to mention getting shit like madred's for farming, etc

Last edited by Anaru; 01-14-2012 at 06:23 PM..
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