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Old 01-12-2012, 07:38 AM   #1860
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Default Re: League of Legends

Yorick is deadly in TT. You need to make him top lane and he can get farm with his ghouls. His Heal is OP if someone doesn't kill the ghoul fast enough. Trynd can be countered easily by Talon because Talon's "E" is a silence, and yes, it does block out his ultimate (Argue with me, Idg2s). Singed is an OP tank because he scales constantly since he is AP. Lee sin is deadly because of his 6 moves + his ult, so there is always something to expect with him.

Renekton is a beast in 3s because his cleave move destroys in the first initial gank, so he is most likely to be fed. I just v'd with an Annie in 3s and she had some feed, but her stun duration is really long. If you can't survive her burst until the stun is over, you will feed her more ><

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