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Old 12-29-2011, 12:00 PM   #133
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Default Re: FFR Forum Awards 2011 - Results

not really, it doesn't suggest that the dislike may have been from some other sort of reason that doesn't relate to the file itself

forcing someone to play a song for a tournament is an extraneous influence however - notice how Fall Silently's on the top there (not to mention it was labelled as a 9 first; if it was labelled as a 10, there wouldn't have been much of an issue. It was also the first song for D4, so song placement got people bewildered - none of this has to do with the song itself)

There's no way for me to prove someone's vote, but the tournament seems highly suggestive of such an influence. That's all I'm saying.

edit: legit

Last edited by bmah; 12-29-2011 at 12:10 PM..
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