Thread: The Perfect FFR
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Old 12-21-2011, 02:36 PM   #17
"The Quebec Steparatist."
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Default Re: The Perfect FFR

An FC should remain an FC no matter what. You shouldn't lose your FC in the FC bar because you derped in the death piano megatrill or at the end of legendary etude and hwad a better pa run.

If this is respected (because its kinda what motives the newcomers), Then Im all ok with raw scoring, even though the fact that combo scoring is there makes something different than SM (Im not sure about it, but I think SM is raw scoring)

Also here are a few minor things.

The ability to change the menu song at will would be really sweet.

When clicking on a song in the song genres, it would be cool to be able to listen to a preview (yep, like sm or ddr).

The ability to turn off backgrounds (if you're not willing to take off Synth songs, at least do this. And if anything, keep the important backgrounds, like party 4 u, marisa or reality hits you hard bro) should already be in game.

Itd be also great to be able to download replays.

Metal. Theres hardly any metal except one or two power metal songs. The rest of the "metal" stuff is more like hardcore subgenre, and there's late Children of Bodom material (please, tell me, why didn't you guys step their earlier stuff??) . Where is all the real thing? Oh and Yeah powerglove. But they apparently belong in the arcade genre.

I once made a list of those, so if I figure more stuff Ill add them to this thread.
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