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Old 12-8-2011, 01:22 PM   #213
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Default Re: FFR 6th Official Tourney Songs Discussion: Round 4

Originally Posted by bmah View Post
It's just a response to hi19's "if people don't like your steps, re-evaluate what you're doing"
Hey, careful now that's not what I said, don't misquote me!

I said if people are reacting differently than you are expecting, then you need to re-evaluate.
If you make a file that pushes boundaries and expect there to be some people who don't like it, and that's what turns out to happen, then fine. I've done that and then just screw the haters. HOWEVER if you are making charts you think the community might not like, and then they do, figure out why! Don't just shrug it off as "oh strange, guess I got lucky" because there's something to be learned there!

And of course the opposite too, if you make a file you think everyone will really like then they don't, but it's a little more common to focus on those and learn from them than the reverse.

I might as well give a personal example... Ninja Turtles Theme.
I stepped this almost kinda as a joke and wasn't happy at all with the chart, but it turned out that a lot of people wound up finding it fun. It even made it on the new Tier Point list, which I guess speaks for its relative popularity among 7s in this game.
So I went back a while ago and tried to dissect why people liked the file even though I didn't. I'd say that I am not happy with the repeating stream because it's actually incorrect PR based on the sound... but it on the other hand it flows well so I see why people enjoy it even though it's not as technically correct. I'm not fond of the gallops and the ending, because they are supposed to be minijacks, but then I can see how they flow well despite not being the way I want them. From this I learned I should not focus so much on making all jack sounds jacks (even though in my heart of hearts I want to) and I've been really trying to apply that to my recent non-dumpy files.
Looking at unexpected successes like that can sometimes reveal bad habits you have in your more regular files.

Last edited by hi19hi19; 12-8-2011 at 01:34 PM..
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