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Old 11-15-2011, 05:55 PM   #15138
lol happy
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Default Re: FFR Scores ~2011 Remix~

Dumping more scores hehu

Apparently this is the hardest 9. By my logic if I can AAA this, hopefully I can AAA everything else 1-9 too.

K cool now that I've officially graduated from 9s, lets try some FMOs. That makes perfect sense.

This seems like a fairly easy FMO. I'm able to AAA the beginning jumpstream and the stream with 32nds at the end almost all the time. I have trouble with the repetitive stuff and the 8th jacks in the middle, if you get off-beat it's so easy to dump 10+ goods at a time.

This is not bad. I've AAA'd the beginning jacks -once- in all my tries, but I'm able to fairly consistently get 2-4 goods on them.
Kinda annoyed, this run I had a great start then fecked up so many of the easy parts (why is the last 70% of this chart so boring... if it wasn't for the fun start I'd totally hate it, as it is I still think it's an awful file)

Really easy for an FMO, on the same level as Rottel as far as I'm concerned. Also a kickass song and fun file, really becoming a fan of this one too. Yay for another SDG.

Trill practice. Still not good at them. This is a strange file, it never seems to be FMO-worthy difficulty (my gut reaction is to call it a hard VC) but it's SO easy to dump goods on.

I hate obnoxious long generic Rebirth consistencymania files. At least this one isn't to a Japanese song. Probably not a good score compared to my FMOs above, but my first SDG on a long VC like this so I'm happy.

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