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Old 10-22-2011, 06:27 PM   #13
FFR Player
Join Date: Aug 2007
Age: 31
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Default Re: My first song that I stepped! Please feedback!

Like everyone said not bad for a first try, in fact this is pretty good for a first shot if you asked me.

If anything I say is contradicted by Halogen, Whocares, someone who has a good deal of charts into the game, do what they says over me, chances are they know more than I do.

Note: I use a program other than Stepmania to step (Dreamstudio) so I'm going to be giving you the time location.

Things to note right off:

- Your offset is wrong. It looks good to me at 0.033 seconds but if someone skilled says something else do it.

- I agree with where you started actually stepping the song. :3

- In the section of 5.176 - 6.890 remove the 8th notes. There is no notes on those arrows. These are called Ghost notes I think. (For future reference.)

- In the section of 21.033 - 32.604 you are doing some correct 12ths which is great, but the issue here is that when there's a 12th gallop you're not jumping the snare like you are everywhere else. I recommend adding the jumps on all the snare hits in this section.

- 33.462 - 34.319 those 64ths are cool. But the issue here is that the first one is placed correctly (later than the actual note) and the other two are placed early. You should either place them all on the quarter note or 1/64th beat after the said quarter notes. I also am iffy on using hands here - something Halogen will probably have a better idea on.

- 35.604 - 48.033 Here is a similar issue to the snare jumping I pointed out earlier. Except here you start minijacking the 12th notes, but then suddenly change that to something else. You should either minijack them all in this section, or make them all non minijacks. (My personal thought would be to use the minijacks throughout this section, but this is honestly up to you.)

- 48.033 - 61.604 I like what you're doing here note wise, but I personally think you can switch the pattern a little. Halogen can give you more advice here, but I like this section's concept though also please unjump the 3 12ths in the time frame of 61.319 - 31.604 it doesn't look like it fits.

- 62.176 - 67.747 I would put all these quarter notes in a line on the same beat, but I am personally unsure if this is subjective or not.

- 68.604 I would put a hand (three notes at once) or a jump here. I'm sure you'll figure out which one fits better :3

- 68.604 - 75.462 (With the exception of 68.604 it's self) please start jumping the snares again to be consistent with the earlier spots. (All the snares are on quarter notes, if you put one on a 12th you're doing it wrong.)

- 90.890 - 91.319 here is what I would do with this section:

I'll leave the rest for you to figure out, and please keep in mind that these are merely suggestions. It's your chart, you don't have to take everything I say as law. :3

Good luck to you :3

Last edited by Xx{Midnight}xX; 10-22-2011 at 06:29 PM..
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