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Old 09-6-2011, 01:52 PM   #327
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Default Re: Official Tier Point System Thread

Imma put my few cents in here too, sorry if some sentences are a bit wack and not well written

First of all, the Tier Points table needs to be modernized. It just looks too plain and simple and it needs a rewipe. Maybe a Tierpoints list
with the style of the "Beta Level Reader" (BLR is available for Vets only as of now), showing extended Tier Point statistics, e.g.
Total Tierpoints, Bonus Tier Points, current Tier Level (if you remember these T0, T1, T2 etc thingies) and direct links
to the Tier Point threads or FAQs in the forums or something to prevent a flood of threads like the standalone stuff. Can't think of how
it should look like and more.

Secondly: Imo, Tier Points shouldn't be just representing how skilled a person is. It should be some kind of motivational aspect for the player,too, so he/she is willing to keep playing.
Tier Points are, in my eyes, a reward of getting good scores. And a reward usually is supposed to make people happy or motivated, no?

Of course this requires additional thinking and discussing, but I'm sure it adds a better sense to Tier Points.

I couldn't think of any good ways of how to implement this idea, but I was thinking of something like this: Take the old designations for Tier Levels
[Beginner Tier/Advanced Tier/Master Tier/God Tier] and split the whole Tier points system into those areas. Splitting the TP table into 6 (just like we always have 6 divisions in tourneys) is harsh, so let's just take 4,
for example.

I was thinking of something looking like this:

-----GOD TIER-----

[xxx songs with high x/8 and x/9 requirements]

-----MASTER TIER-----

[xxx songs with high x/7 and low x/8 requirements]


[xxx songs with x/6 and low x/7 requirements]


[xxx songs with below x/5 requirements (if we are going to have those)]

just for example

At this moment you may be asking yourself "What's so motivational about this?"; Well, imagine you're a beginner player like back in the days, and this kind
of system has already been implemented. If you get high song requirement points, you would be like "holy shit yes I got my first GOD TIER point !!" or something.

Not only does this add some kind of motivational system; - Because it seems like a lot of people don't know how good they actually are, this
kind of list would give the user a basic idea of their own skill level.

Another motivational system would be Tier Point get pop-up windows. Of course I don't want every single Tier Point get to pop up on the ingame screen like when you get a skill token, but it could be made as a small popup window on the down right, like as if someone gets online on Skype/AIM/Steam or w/e, saying "You just earned a TP! [enter random text here]!". It could be included in BW.

(Yeah, I know that the current scoring system pretty much destroys my idea but w/e, it would look nice!!!)


e: longest post I've ever made derp

Last edited by Xayphon; 09-6-2011 at 01:56 PM..
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