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Old 08-23-2011, 11:50 AM   #1030
lol internet
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Default Re: League of Legends

I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon that Ashe is definitely hard to learn. Of course, I didn't learn carries in my early levels like most players, so I tend to stay away from those positions in the first place. When I do play, though, I find carries like Ezreal or Vayne or even Kennen (ap of course) fit my play style much better. That is, play around, land some pot shots, then go in for the kill with some general escape mechanisms for when things don't go as planned. Ashe is more of a carry where you try to stick on them for as long as possible with your slow.

Originally Posted by SaguchiTheCat View Post
You are an ultimate humafag. Calling you an ultimate humafag is an understatement. You are a complete loonatic huma****! You should be shot with a bazooka for thinking this.
You've been hanging around the wrong furries, then. Most furries are nice people. ALL humafags are huge jerks. Environmentalists are good people who care about this planet, unlike you, Squeek.
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