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Old 07-18-2011, 03:17 PM   #208
Silver Sky
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Default Re: What happens after we die.

Originally Posted by Reincarnate View Post
I'm talking about things in the Bible that make factual claims about our real world that we can easily show did not happen.

You are also basically invoking argument from ignorance -- because nobody may know the answer to something, it is therefore OK to just make up an explanation and call it a day.

At any rate, we know how the Earth formed. We know what kind of events would have had to take place for the first cells to form. We know evolution is a fact. We know the circumstances surrounding the Big Bang. All of these things are supported by mountains of well-established evidence.

BTW, the origin of life is a different question from how that life changes. Evolution addresses how life has changes over time. Something like abiogenesis would describe how life arose from inorganic matter.

Asking "where did everything come from?" is indeed a tough question that nobody knows for absolute certain. Not you. Not me. Not anyone. If you watch the video I just posted, though, you'll see that it is possible to get "something out of nothing" under quantum mechanics. Of course, it's really more like getting something out of something, but the point here is that you either have to accept that existence has always existed, or that existence was able to spontaneously appear out of nothing. The problem is that it doesn't make sense to define what "absolute nothingness" is because even quantum fluctuations are "something."

You don't get any closer by invoking a God. If you're content with saying "God doesn't need an explanation for his existence," then why not say "The universe/the frameworks of existence need no explanation for their existence"? At least the latter has evidence for it! The former has absolutely nothing. Why not save yourself the step?

In other words, why do you *really* believe in a God?
Well you see Rubix. When it comes to the bible I know you and me disagree with many things. Cause what I will tell you, you won't think is true. For instance why I really believe in God. For one all the evidence like I said can't be explained. I know how scientists can go only so far like you said. But I believe in all the evidence around me. All the prophecies the bible has foretold has come true and is right now. But I know you say that wow some man wrote something down and got lucky. I would just have to say that was one lucky guy that got inspired oh by something? Interesting but oh well. I understand when people get deeply entrenched in their beliefs it's hard to talk about it. And yes talking about you and me. Cause I see this going nowhere cause it's evidence against evidence. But apparently my evidence that is real isn't good enough for evolutionists. So that's pretty much where it stands.
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