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Old 07-18-2011, 09:16 AM   #204
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Default Re: What happens after we die.

Silver Sky:

Tons of great information here:

If you actually take the time to read this stuff, you'd see why you'd have a very, very hard time trying to prove evolution false when it's so overwhelmingly and obviously true.

Even *if* you accept evolution as true and simply move the goalposts by saying "Well, God made the Earth, then" -- we can discuss that, too:
And a nifty little timeline to help keep things organized:

If it comes to the talk about where the first cells actually came from, you can get a good idea for abiogenesis theories here:
The Origin of Life:

And if you want to go a step further and say "Okay, so evolution is true, God wasn't needed to explain where the first cells came from, and we know where Earth came from... but then that says nothing about the Big Bang" then check the following out:
The Evidence For The Big Bang In 10 Little Minutes:
A Universe From Nothing:

And my favorite video on Youtube:

This video is really more of a statistical piece for me... it really shows you just how large our universe is. When you consider how many stars are contained in a *single* galaxy, and how many possible planets each star can have, and then look at how many galaxies there are (and even then, it's just the amount we're physically able to see!) -- it's overwhelming. This video is comprised from real data, btw.

Last edited by Reincarnate; 07-18-2011 at 09:23 AM..
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