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Old 07-9-2011, 07:25 AM   #35
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Default Re: Need suggestions for SNES / Dreamcast

Originally Posted by fido123 View Post
I wouldn't and I was joking. I respect the NDP I'm not not a big believer in socialism although I respect it. I honestly was split between the Conservatives and the NDP because the NDP is far more progressive when it comes to social matters. You shouldn't assume all conservatives are as bad as tea partiers in the states. I would gage the PC party of Canada hardly to the right. They're fairly central (with most things). I hate A LOT of things about the PC party but I hate a lot more about the NDP. You assuming a vote for conservatives is a vote against homosexuality is ridiculous and pretty ignorant. They're not taking away gay rights at all. It's like if I were to assume since you voted NDP you'd vote yes to allow non-english-speaking immigrants into the country (which may or may not be true but it's still a blind assumption).

If you knew what Stephen Harper has done since he took office, your opinion would be different. I won't go there though since I don't have 30 minutes to waste on preaching conservative bullshit. Harper hardly supports bilingual rights, as it's not in his riding/province's interest. It's only natural. Sort of how Bloc Quebecois only cares about Quebec. I already told you Alberta was the last province to accept gay rights (oh wait they were forced to!) and that their mentality, for the most part of the conservatives, is that of a Texan redneck. He has successfully plummeted Canada's Human Development Index below even the Americans, which sat at 23rd in developed countries a few years ago. Harper does not support middle class families and his tax cuts benefit larger companies that already receive stupid amounts of government funds to "stimulate" the economy. He supports the worst copyright law in the world, and decided it was a good idea to humiliate the country at g20 by saying the environment is too expensive (yes because after tearing the Kyoto protocol apart you also decided that green energy was too much of a gamble to create new jobs). Canada has gone to shit since he took office. Thanks for your vote though.

ait I'm done.

ps never play mario is missing on any console it's literally shit

Last edited by kommisar; 07-9-2011 at 07:31 AM..
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