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Old 06-18-2011, 12:51 PM   #710
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Default Re: League of Legends

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
I am aware that I need a LOT more experience in pvp. I generally dislike pvp because 99.999% of players are douchebags.
Learn to ignore them. We all get frustrated once in a while and lose control, but you gotta learn how to deal with them. It's almost like a social skill. Besides, the reason why PvP is so fun is because you can feel very satisfied or very terrible. What other games have the power to do this?

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
My major issue with building survivability over glass cannon is that I feel that if I only use one of my item slots for more survivability, it won't make any difference as far as how easily I'm killed and I'd be better off maxing dmg. But then if I devote too much space to survivability then I can't kill my enemies. So I've just been building glass cannons and if I find myself in a situation where I'll probably die, I dash to the weakest guy I see and try to take them out with me.
The reason you build survivability on carries is because you don't want to be killed in one shot or one combo. Lots of champions (technically all of them) have escape mechanisms. Once you find yourself caught out of place, you USUALLY have at least one or two chances to get out, like a get out of jail free. However, that doesn't matter if you get stunned and focused down too fast because you die in one hit.

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
I do understand a few differences that the opponents bring to my build. Such as if there are tanky opponents I'll usually try to build a madred's bloodrazor somewhere. I haven't seen much dodge being built but naturally if there is I'd build a sword of the divine.
That's the right idea, but if only the game was that simple. LOL

Originally Posted by All_That_Chaz View Post
My problem is that I'm lvl20 but I'm newbish because I hate pvp and barely ever play it, and when I do it's with my friends who are lvl30 and I get raped by the lvl30s we end up playing against. I'm only 19-14 in pvp but most of my competition has played hundreds of matches so I'm just outdone by a lack of experience. I feel like I missed out on playing lower level opponents.
My recommendation to new players is that they almost never play Co-op vs. AI, and strictly stick to PvP with a few exceptions.

However, if you find that you accidentally played too much non-PvP and missed out, don't be afraid to go back and smurf from level 1. Even if you're a fairly advanced player, there's a lot you can learn from smurfing.
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