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Old 06-10-2011, 10:50 PM   #41
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Default Re: Is veganism wrong?

I'm getting tired of trying to argue in this thread. Whenever posts of mine are quoted, certain points I make are always completely ignored.

Originally Posted by Cavernio View Post
Your argument for thinking vegetarianism is stupid... If you really think its wrong to abuse animals too, you should by no means be eating most meats. Seriously, pigs in factory farms die from the noxious fumes of their own shit. Egg-laying chickens barely live a year before they loose all their feathers from being jammed so badly into cages that they can't even turn around. And all that so that your egg can cost you 25 cents instead of 80 cents...And you can't get mad at me for preaching here, as if I'm shoving this down your throat. I didn't make the thread.
If you look at the post you quoted from me, I clearly say...

Originally Posted by vro View Post
If you're vegetarian, thats fine.
As far as the way animals are treated in factories and farms, I can see your argument, really, I can. And I agree that the way they are killed is a pretty sad fact in today's society. But, in the end, they die anyway, right? Now then, you could argue that any living being's destiny is to die someday, but these animals that are killed for their meat are destined to be killed. Since their lives exist for this sole reason, does it really matter if they are killed nicely or not-so-nice? I would prefer if animals could be killed in a more "humane" way, but things like PETA aren't going to change that. Besides, have you ever lived in the wild? Animals like bears and wolves don't instantly kill their prey if they don't want to. Hell, they can end up torturing them for hours. But we don't make a big deal out of that, do we?

Here is the last point I want to make, which I'll start with this quote from an earlier post of mine:

Originally Posted by vro View Post
If you are vegan, fine, I'm not going to hate you or anything, but I do find veganism to be extremely stupid.
Now then, let me explain what I mean by this in more detail. I agree that veganism is a choice, and there isn't a right or wrong answer to whether or not it is okay. Thus, if YOU are vegan, thats fine! I'm not gonna think of you as a bad person just because you're vegan(but if you shove it down my throat, then my opinion of you will go for the worse.) However, I would never want to be vegan, so I PERSONALLY find it to be stupid for ME. I've said this before and I'll say it again; its like the ordeal with gay people. Am I gay? No. Would I ever be gay? No, I would personally find that to be disgusting. Do I think you're disgusting if you're gay? No, some of my best friends are gay. Now then, I didn't say that to start some argument of whether you're born with it or if its choice, but the point I'm trying to make is that just because I PERSONALLY find something to be revolting doesn't necesarilly mean I find someone else to be revolting just because they decide to do it. And Syhto, calm the hell down. There is nothing wrong with you trying to state your points and opinions, thats what this forum is for. However, there is no need to act like everyone else who doesn't agree with you is a complete retard, its a bit ridiculous.
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