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Old 05-26-2011, 08:07 AM   #55
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: Best childhood game?

**** I'm too old for this, all you kids and your new-fangled games. I can't even ****ing find half the PC games I played on the internet, they were some crap some random person made in their basement, and I curse everyday I let my sister throw out the boxes of 5x5 floppies.
We initially had an Apple, then an Apple II I believe. I think the apple had only green as a color.

I liked Evolution first. I started playing that thing before I was even in school. (no, not the gamespot version).
lv 1: Ameoba. You started out as an ameoba and had to collect all these little things while avoiding other moving things. If you hit spacebar, you used a shield that was represented by a bar on the screen.
lvl 2: Tadpole. You were stuck as a frog thingy on the ground inside a lake. You had to jump to collect flies, while avoiding the fish swimming above you.
lvl 3: Rodent. You were a mouse. You had to collet the pieces of cheese while avoiding snakes. The entire screen was covered in 'dirt' that took time to dig through. Only 1 cheese was ever up at a time.
lv 4: Beaver. You were a beaver collecting sticks to put in your dam. you had to avoid the crocodiles.
lvl 5: orangutan. You were an ape at the bottom of the screen throwing rocks at monkeys who were stealing your oranges. I forget how you won that level.
lvl 6: man. You were a man and robots were attacking you. If you beat this lvl, which was very hard for me at the time, you cycled back to amoeba, but this time everything was faster.

I also liked Serpentine (pacman combined with nibbles sorta), Hero, Crisis Mountain (I did find info about that game online...I had a hacked version, a copy of it apparently, another unique game for the era,) and, of course, we had a version of Frogger.
Had tons of shmups too. I liked Wavy Navy the best. Basically it was space invaders, but the ground wasn't flat, it was all wavy, and you were shooting planes and helicopters, not aliens. Each level was named for a rank in the navy, and you rewarded with a different sea chanty as you progressed.

We also had an Atari my uncle brought us one day. California games was awesome, as was Xevious, and Food Fight. Man, I played the real Food Fight in an arcade at PAX east this year, and boy did I suck. I used to be able to get to lvl 50 on the the Atari, and I was lucky to get to lvl 10 a few months ago. We also had ET. ET was not a good game, but my sister got pretty freaking close to beating it. I'm sure she completed the phone multiple times.

I got a Nintendo second hand, so was already, like, 10 when I played a bunch of it. Zelda and Dragon Warrior were faves.

Oh, and i can't forget the text adventures. Those_were_awesome! Unforutnately most of those we had were semi-corrupted disks, but we did have a Treasure Island one that worked well, we had Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy (which I could never seem to get anywhere in because I could spell 'analgesic'), and we had *THE* original Castle Wolfenstein. There was like a 1 and a 2, and they were text adventures too. I didn't play them much, but my brother beat them. Then we also had Beyond Castle Wolfenstein, where you were actually someone walking around, and you had a gun. That game was tough as nails.
Ah, I forget, we also had a game that terrified me called Aztec. You had to escape this place, but it was a maze whose map didn't stay the same from one play to the next. Every second room was a trap, like the ceiling would slowly come down and kill you, or you'd slowly drown as water rose. There were Aztec's weilding machetes, and man-eating plants, and all the high-pitched sounds were terrifying, I liked to watch my brother and sister play.

Last edited by Cavernio; 05-26-2011 at 08:17 AM..
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