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Old 05-22-2011, 08:12 AM   #10
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: How do you make yourself write?

I will be an author only if I publish. The intent to publish isn't nearly enough imo to call myself an author. I intend to publish though. I have definitely set aside time for this, and I assure you I am serious. I wouldn't be saying anything about it here if I weren't. I am not expecting this to be easy.

The interview, the author seems to hold the opinion I have about the little bit of music I've made; I make it for myself, and if someone else enjoys it, if they ever hear it, then hey, that's awesome. I will admit that I don't experience this with writing, not since I was 10 and wrote in my diary about myself...ah, the narcissism. The intent of my current story is for other people to experience it, hopefully enjoy it, and pay me money for it, not so much for myself to experience a written version of what I've already thought about in my head.

If this book(s) ends up being the least bit successful, and the process of writing the entire thing doesn't turn me off of writing entirely, (I don't expect it to, but you never know), then I will have accomplished my goal. I will have found myself a job :-p

Last edited by Cavernio; 05-22-2011 at 08:15 AM..
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