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Old 05-21-2011, 07:44 AM   #5
sunshine and rainbows
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Default Re: How do you make yourself write?

Well, as to it being a chore, that would have to do with the expectation part of it for certain. Its not the fact that it is a chore, its a fact that its something I have to do. If I had the expectation of myself to eat a bowl of icecream everyday, hell it would probably be a chore for me after day 1.
As to writing it out in a bunch of different styles...that would be useful except I feel like I'm already past that stage, at least for the first large chunk of my story. The second chunk is still being drafted up, but so far I've done all my drafting in my head. For instance, this first part is going to be totally written from a 3rd person view of the main character, except for a few snippets which will be about someone else entirely. Furthermore, the amount of story I've got in my head for this thing is huge...I'm already thinking my first section (or novel if it is this long), will be far more than 80,000 words.
And lastly about this, I think I can only write in one own. I'm sure I could write in specific ways, I used to highschool, because i thought they sounded better, or neat, or fit what I was writing. But my English teacher cured me of that, because I got better grades when I just wrote without doing that, and I do believe my writing was better too. Perhaps that's not the case with a story though. My most recent experience in writing anything beyond forum posts is science journals. :-p

I have tons of ideas, but I didn't get them from writing, I enjoyed myself while thinking about them beforehand. I will likely do this the same when figuring out all the second part. I have lots of ideas, and I write them down so I won't forget, and when I find I have a minute now and then, I'll ponder my story. I'm completely open to newn ideas I get when I begin writing, and have already added something different than what I figured in the first place.
I suppose I am concerned that if I don't figure out what I want in the entirety of the story, that I will have to go back and alter huge sections of the first one if I find a good idea later on that doesn't quit fit. But that is probably expectation issues again, but in a much different way than just procrastination, because I shouldn't expect it to all fall in place after a first write-through, no matter how good my planning is. I could also totally see that at some point in the future, I go back and read and i think its crap, I would tell myself to stop writing. That's what I've done with music-making...although that's a little different because I don't possess all the tools/skills to create what I hear in my head, and there would have te be a lot of time involved to learn it, etc., although that shouldn't be an issue with writing...I know words, I can write them, I know how to use a thesaurus.

I don't want to create crap.

I will say very little about my story because if...err, when, yes when it comes to fruition, and any of you do want to read it, I want all the surprises to, well, surprise you.
The setting is in a city where people mind-feel (not mind read, they can't know thoughts, only other's emotions), and the story will follow a teenaged girl who has this ability, who will undergo huge changes in her life.

Gah, its also really frustrating to not be able to share what the story's fully about with everyone, although I have told a couple people who I don't mind if they're spoiled for it :-p
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