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Old 05-20-2011, 01:23 PM   #4
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Default Re: How do you make yourself write?

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Write the story out in a variety of formats. Write a full copy, but make it so that a child could read it. Write a plain version of it. No flowery writing. Write it like a map. Write it like a series of events. Write it like a journal from the eyes of one of the characters. All of these ways will help you get down and writing, and find certain ways that you written it and like how it represents your idea. This is especially useful if you don't know how and when to set up dialogue, and how to make a character's key sentences be the right amount of impactfulness (lol bad English) that you're looking for. Once this is all done, you can derive from all of these to write it in the format you want to do, and have already have a clear idea how and where you're going to start it, take it, and end it.

Second thing, have fun. While doing this little drafting process, have fun. Keep stress out of it. It's also good to balance out other hobbies and obligations in your life. Having a good mix of other things in your life, and succeeding at them, will help you actually feel freedom and stress free of other things in your life when in your writing time. Writing is just as essential as anything else is in your life IF you're actually serious about writing.

Lastly, and most importantly, don't set expectations. I read an interview from Stephanie Meyers about how expectations can kill an author from writing a story. I'm not giving the best version of this advice here, because I'm not getting into detail about it, but that's because I don't remember how she worded it. But when I read it, I knew what she was talking about it, and experienced it myself. It seems like that's what you're doing now. You have this expectation because you love the idea of this story. You want to get it out there and share. That mentality makes it hard to actually work on it. I'm going to go back to that interview and share it here later.

I'll probably add more advice, but for now, this is probably the best I got.

I wish you luck, my friend.

Last edited by Treia; 05-20-2011 at 01:27 PM..
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