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Old 04-28-2011, 09:18 PM   #56
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Default Re: A new beginning for our SM community.

Originally Posted by Staiain View Post
Though, we shouldn't get too carried away with all sorts of ambitious features and such, but I'd love to talk to the sm-ssc dev team and ask if they would help out with a system recording scores in a online database or something using a new and improved sm client.

From my point of view, making the sm client have all the features osu! have, it would seriously expand the community really quick, new motivation for old players, making people want to try the game, and the stepmania community will once again flourish.
I asked that before, but they said its hard to do but they still want it.

[20:33] <Jousway> maybe sm will be like an mmo with an game loader that auto updates and it will totaly be online based, like the client is always online and you can check stats and have achevments lolololol
20:33] <~freem_inc> jousway don't laugh, I like that idea
[20:34] <Jousway> tbh would be sweet to see, but I doubht it will happen tbh
[20:34] <~freem_inc> if it was possible for me to easily write a gui in C
[20:34] <~freem_inc> without pulling my hair out
[20:34] <~freem_inc> then yes
[20:34] <&sharksoda> you don't have to write the gui in the same language as the logic
[20:34] <&sharksoda> heh
[20:35] <~freem_inc> well the problem with the logic is I don't exactly know how to get it all working
[20:35] <&sharksoda> I'm probably gonna write one in c with obj-c ui over here
[20:35] <&sharksoda> and an alternate gtk one
[20:35] <~freem_inc> as long as something gets written
[20:36] <Jousway> if sm is going to be changed in to an mmo that would also be the end of smo because everything will be on one server stats, achevments, friends system like steam, in game chat like osu, this would be amazing as **** to have but I doubt it will ever happen
Its not a bug its a FEATURE!

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