Thread: Photoshop Bro
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Old 04-11-2011, 04:24 AM   #13
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Default Re: Photoshop Bro

If the job is not a serious job, or you are just drawing/design out of boredom or as a very non-srs hobby, disregard this.

Well, continuation on ds' comments. Respect points or not, its all cool to me, but focusing on the assumption of you wanting to improve in the field of art. Specifically design via photoshop. You are taking up more than you can chew, and in art, we never try to take up more than what we can chew. At least not knowingly.
Imo, too early to branch off in such wide direction.
I see fractuals, digit drawing, traditional drawing, abstracts, sigs, photomanips. Thats gonna be confusion unless you know at least one of them really really well.

Graphic design job=! time to learn design.
If you are serious about art/design stuff, quit the job. Paid or not. (unless you are just taking random requests from friends or something). If its a serious job, specifically for graphic design, they will ask you to do things to specification, which as a amateur(as in early in the field/ don't have a distinct style) artist will screw you up big time.

Nothing personal, but for your own good, don't ref from naruto, just don't.
Reminder for self to make new sig.

Last edited by Renevatia; 04-11-2011 at 04:27 AM..
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