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Old 03-23-2011, 09:56 PM   #2
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Default Re: Cross dressers attempt to rob a pawn shop

Well, I tried to rob a local pawn shop in your area with my friend Jordan. Jordan was running pretty late, though, so he ended up not being able to shave like I told him to. I think we disguised ourselves as women pretty well, so to speak. We had our nails painted, bras stuffed, wigs on, and for some reason, hospital scrubs. Of course, we armed ourselves heavily. Unfortunately, we didn't expect the owner to return fire. He ended up killing poor Jordan and seriously injuring me. I wish I was joking but this actually happened. Crossdressers tried to rob a pawn shop. I hope you know I'm lying.

On a more serious note, though, that's the first I've heard of anything like that. I'm guessing you heard this from word of mouth or is this something you actually happened to see for yourself?
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