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Old 03-19-2011, 11:05 PM   #1
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Default just bought $150 bose over ear headphones

For the past couple of years, I've been that guy who will go into a tech store that is demo'ing a really expensive set of headphones, and use them with my ipod for a couple hours. However, I've been using crap $10 sony earbuds for my normal music life...


After 30 minutes of arguing with my mom, I got my hands on a set of bose over ears at target, and its been eargasms ever since.
My only issue is that it doesnt have a super loud max volume when used on my ipod (might be a good thing) but I'm using them on my computer right now and I'm loving it.

Pumping that bass up...

Anyone else thing they have better headphones?
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