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Old 03-18-2011, 05:09 PM   #15
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Default Re: What has rhythm gaming become?

Originally Posted by ddrxero64 View Post
Edit: @ichlie to respond to your post, I created this thread because the other one was locked. I also pointed out that it's things like this that will contribute to the downfall of rhythm gaming. Unlike Super Nintendo, it has plenty of opportunities to excel. Graphics and hardware aren't the issue, motivation and innovation are.
So it should really be "What have the forums become?" correct? Plenty is being done a little at a time to make FFR the game better and more compatible with more computer software. People with vista can play fine with Gamebooster and the standalone. Velocity just recently updated the look of the engine, reinstalled replays, brought back prochat, etc. The actual game of FFR has been excelling more now than it has in many years.

As far as my opinion goes, the forums don't truly have much to do with the game. There are so many people on this site, pre and post death, that don't post on the forums. Plus, while the site was down, a lot of people still played SM, found the LD engine, even DF made their own engine to continue playing.

Short version; I don't think the forums will contribute to the downfall of FFR or forums for any other rhythm games.

I hope you don't take this as me trying to downgrade or attack you. It just seems like you're trying to make two problems out of one.
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