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Old 03-10-2011, 01:41 AM   #7
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Default Re: Batch Review Thread v2.0


Judge Team 3


An Unwanted Magician and a Cheery Rebel / Silvuh
rating: [+?]
- between areas like 4.40-7.15sec or so are minor PR issues that you can get away with but they do still look a bit odd
- 16th at 9.35sec does not exist; the same issue is encountered later as well
- for the areas in which you avoid the 32nd trills, it's better to step the piano instead of generalizing the area as a whole 16th trill. For example, the trill near 17sec should have 16th jacks that follows the piano. That means there should be no 4th at 17.31sec. Watch out for similar areas such as near 20.75sec.
- triplets at 22.39sec and then again at 24.23sec have bad PR; this repeats again later on as well
- even areas such as around 28sec have bad PR
- 16th sections at 29.77-35.08sec and similar areas are rather confusing in that it's not easy to tell what they go to; you should either layer more or redefine your stepping to clarify this
- 12th areas like 35.31sec can have better patterns that are slightly more PR
- suggestion: I think it's far better to layer this song more, but even in a simplified file, PR needs to be better and some 16th streams need to be more well-defined. The file plays smoothly, but the steps are quite muddled.

Dance and Zeal / kommisar
rating: [+.]
- a 16th jump in places like beat 21.75 or 36.25 (or whenever drums are highly accented, like beat 40) is optional but feels more complete
- missing 32nd at beat 48.88, 56.88, 82.88, etc.; a 16th in a few places such as beat 152.50
- 32nd stream starting at beat 71 isn't continuous; listen to drums more carefully
- stepping to the melody at m20 sounds nicer than just a trill
- no 24ths at m24
- but 32nds at beat 135 should actually be 24ths
- minor PR at m59
- suggestion: fix the numerous little places with missing 32nds or wrong note type. There's a lot of those. File is very fun.

Fatum Anima / Silvuh
rating: [+?]
- yet another file with a ton of generalizations, but it's not as glaring as the previous one
- try gallops at places like 28.33sec and 29.83sec, while 29.08sec and 30.58sec can have a 16th to make a triplet. The latter can be ignored for simplification but the gallops are outstanding and should be used instead.
- 8th stream from 61.49-64.49sec (and another area later on) have poor PR
- around 73.68sec, you introduce some triplets, which is great, but why stop at 76.49sec onwards? Keep the triplets going and make some climax.
- suggestion: Same as "An Unwanted Magician and a Cheery Rebel". You can still retain the easy nature of your file, but there are still a lot of PR issues and potentially better uses of climax and slow buildup. If you fix that, you can still get away with thin layering - which is what novice players need.

I Remember When / psychoangel691 & TC_Halogen
rating: [+.]
- missing stuff: beat 71.25, 75.25, 79.25, 87.25, 243.75, etc. (check the whole file). You may have very well omitted this, but since the song repeats, even adding this for a slight build-up is nice.
- don't hear the lone 12th in m30 or later measures...?
- bass drum of m62 could be incorporated for interest
- m65 would be better to introduce the samba-style piano melody, instead of the usual lyrics and bass drum layering; future measures with this piano melody can be layered too, as long as difficulty is not too out of whack
- suggestion: a lot of 16ths on percussion are missing peppered throughout the file. The piano near the end could make for a more interesting ending. Overall, this is a very neat song. I'd love to see RnB stuff like this in the game.

Passage D / iironiic
rating: [+?][>]
- there are a number of areas with incorrect bursts where 24ths should be 32nds and so on. Some areas to point out: beat 19.50, 35.50, 44.00, 54.50, etc. Check all parts of the song.
- missing steps to hi-hats in m11
- m19 is not in any way 16ths, nor should it be generalized as such. Since the beats are faster than 16ths, it's probably best to fix this section with a different pattern as well as opposed to a trill.
- would like to see 16th and 8th jumps on the bass drums in places like beat 205.75, 206.75, 207.50, 210.75, 274.75. It's appropriate considering the difficulty as well.
- suggestion: there are so many errors in bursts that they do noticeably detract the file's merits. However, despite technicality, this file is very fun and I'd really hope to see it in the game.

Passage D / who_cares973
rating: [+?][<]
- much more simplified than iironiic's version, which is ok as long as consistency is maintained (but see third point)
- misrhythm of percussion at 10.73sec, 28.48sec, 53.48sec
- despite the simplification, there are some sounds that you miss according to your scheme of stepping (e.g. 11.31sec; loud sounds at 34.39sec). Check throughout the file and see if you can discriminate these sounds.
- 12th not 16th at 29.51sec, 35.51sec
- suggestion: Despite the simplification, the file still has a number of errors and questionable discrimination between utilizing and omitting certain sounds. This one's also fun and flows well, so there'll surely be competition if both files happen to be resubmitted again next time.

Peculiar Pattern of Circles / Championanwar
rating: [?]
- beginning shows great PR
- even for a fairly easy chart, more can be done to make it more interesting, such as more breaks within the streams of 8ths and different patterns (a common pattern involves [12] and [24] jumps with repeated 8th jacks on the down arrow)
- there are still dominant sounds that you've missed stepping, even with the simple scheme of your layering; e.g. should be an 8th jump on beat 62.50 (single down arrow doesn't represent the drum well)
- the repetitiveness of the song really works against you especially when making a simplified, easy file. If the song had more variety, simplification would be a viable choice. But here, it's better to layer more and utilize some climax theory in order to get the most variety out of this file. Step a bit more of the percussion for instance.
- suggestion: I'd make this a harder chart for the previous point noted above. Even a consistent, easy chart is going to be a bore to play for new players.

Pizza Butt / -Barista-
rating: [?]
- hi-hat sounds with an abraded touch doesn't really merit 32nds (e.g. right before m6 or m10)
- incomplete layering on vocals; need to add some jumps such as at beat 27.50, 187.50, 194.75
- the jacks at areas like m13 are doable but can probably be represented better as a different pattern
- m14: inaudible or nonexistent 16ths. Same with m17, but I see you're probably trying to follow the lyrics, which to say is a sketchy idea at best. You should step the lyrics more accurately here as opposed to generalizing it with 16ths. The same issue of generalizing 16ths to the lyrics follow in the upcoming measures as well, although slightly more agreeable.
- m24-25: layering to drums disappeared?
- no 32nd at beat 100.88
- check out the jacky area starting at m30; not all of them should be jacks. Also check PR in this area.
- m53 and similar sections: not 24ths
- suggestion: Not a bad attempt at a hip hop-based song. There are a lot of things you should touch up on, but the biggest is probably being more accurate in syncing to the lyrics and not loosely representing the lyrics as 16ths in many places.

Pokemon GSC Elite Four / megamon88
rating: [+]
- well-represented easy file with excellent PR too
- file drags on a bit, but you do use symmetry in patterns to differentiate things
- there were a few places in which I thought you should've added a few arrows, namely dominant sounds, but that's open to interpretation

Powerpuff Gabberz / HammyMcSquirrel
rating: [+?]
- missing 8ths in m5
- you really did a noticeable effort to use climax theory throughout the song. There are some places in which it can still be utilized to better potential. For instance, you could've started stepping the hi-hat beginning in m9. Alternatively, it's just as well to layer in the bass drum starting at m5. Climax theory is good but I think it's being followed too strictly throughout this song.
- this song is really repetitive even with your cut, so use whatever the song offers in addition to climax theory. You tend to miss a lot of drumrolls (e.g. m15,39), and I think can add some variety.
- patterns are rather repetitive as well, despite very gradual layering according to climax theory. The section starting at m33 is a good example of following PR too strictly, resulting in a limited variety of patterns.
- the jacks starting at m50 are fine, but represent a significantly higher difficulty than other parts of the song. Perhaps you should introduce the jacks later. The subsequent measures with added layering becomes rather intense.
- suggestion: You don't need to follow climax theory and PR to the degree you're doing in this file. The song's dominantly percussive, so you actually don't need to use PR all too much. Doing so results in repetitive patterns. You can still spice this file up, and I think it can eventually be a song that a lot of people will enjoy.

Rain / Kommisar
rating: [-]
- You've already mentioned that the holds were an error on your part, so you can pretty much ignore this review and try again next time.

Serenade of Storms / Silvuh
rating: [+]
- since the previous jump is also [23], you should change the jump at 17.25sec
- as emphasized as it is, there's likely only a two-note chord at 23.07sec, so use a jump instead
- minute gallops instead of jumps at 79.63sec, 80.57sec
- would be nice to have jumps on the chords at 112.23sec, 114.01sec, 115.79sec, 116.67sec, 177.54sec
- make hand at 139.43sec
- suggestion: just what I've noted above. What a lovely song.

Sleet / Silvuh
rating: [+]
- 11.84sec: down arrow
- 97.06sec: jump can be broken down into a tiny burst
- suggestion: just what I've noted above. Yet another very pretty song.

Subconsciousness / leonid
rating: [+.]
- rhymthically, the song doesn't have much to offer, but you stepped fairly well anyhow
- m10-18: a continuous 12th jumpstream makes this section blander than it should be. I can't tell what you're stepping for some of the single arrows, but in any case, you should probably decrease the layering here a bit.
- missed 12th at beat 209.67
- suggestion: just break up long-running 12th streams in a few places to make it appear less monotonous. Good cool-down chart.

System Failure / megamon88
rating: [+]
- from at least m20-28, the constant flow of 8ths should be broken up by stepping the drums and omitting the hi-hat, which can be added later for slight climatic purposes
- from m56 onwards, there's some melodic synths that you can incorporate as opposed to just the percussions and drums. Either that or you're not fully stepping to the melody. You might want to think about this since there's room for climax theory.
- suggestion: Break the flow of 8ths in the 1st half of the song; step the 16th melodies near the end of the song. Cool chart that has patterns like Nomina Nuda Tenemus.

System Split / ~Zero~
rating: [+.]
- slight incomplete layering with drums, such as at beat 35.00. Another example is m7, but I assume you omitted them for freestyling purposes.
- missed 8th at beat 61.50
- the area at m30-33 obviously has 16ths you chose to ignore, but since this section reappears at m70-73, why don't you fully step it there? I think it partially contributes to climax theory and variety.
- can make m45 interesting by stepping the main (not background) synth melody
- m46-49 can have better PR
- are hands necessary in m50-53?
- minor PR issue before m62
- stepping the hi-hats in m66-69 would've been a cool addition, and in m69, you could easily step jumps for the chord-like synths
- suggestion: Very fun file, but there's so much potential you could've used as well in regards to minor layering changes.

The Bird's Concrete Nosedive / DossarLX ODI
rating: [?]
- the note density distribution throughout this song is of course a function of the song itself, but the irregularity results in huge gaps of nothingness throughout the first third of the song. There are a number of wacky, hard-to-hit bursts (such as at m91 or m137) that'll easily break anyone's combo, and this is frustrating since everyone will have to play through a relatively empty file for a while until they reach those sections much later through the song. I recommend simplifying the bursts by not stepping them as 48ths or higher.
- suggestion: Pretty much what I've stated above. It's stepped technically well, but I don't think it's a great song to step due to a highly irregular note density.

The Final Hour / psychoangel691
rating: [+.]
- m10 has PR reversed, but can easily be fixed
- m23 could be layered more; but even in your current layering, beat 91.00 should be a jump
- many 16th streams should have better layering, such as m24 or m28. Current pattern scheme is generally ok though.
- m39,73: I'd try to layer in the 16ths if possible, for consistency reasons, but I won't hold you against this.
- m40-43 doesn't have to be strictly left-hand biased on the bass drums. Don't be afraid to move patterns around.
- the main melody repeats at m49-56, so feel free to change things up a bit second time around. For instance, you can add triples.
- no jump at beat 250.50, but missed a jump at beat 259.50
- a number of ghost arrows at beats 322.75, 331.75, 338.75, 134.94, etc.
- jump at beat 423.50?
- suggestion: There's a lot of questionable PR in patterns, as well as some missing arrows and ghost arrows too. Clean these up and the file will look even better.

The Gateway / Silvuh
rating: [+]
- beats 23.00, 247.00: better as a direct 2-3-4 pattern
- suggestion: Considering the deliberately light layering scheme, everything is pretty much consistent. To be honest though, Ikodo Moonstrife songs are boring me to death!

Thunderdome Got CRUNK / Coolboyrulez0
rating: [+?]
- m14: change up the patterns of 3-1-3-1 8ths; not the same drum sounds
- m18: don't change to the melody here if you stepped to the percussion all along previously; stay consistent
- m33 and 57 isn't one long trill - listen to the percussion more carefully. Also, don't forget the 16th jump right before the next measure.
- you really only need hands when the cymbals crash, so you can just convert some to regular jumps at m37-38, 41-42, etc.
- m44: should be 12ths here, not a 16th
- trills aren't the best pattern on m49-50
- the 16th streams starting on m59 aren't as continuous as you have them; some arrows go to nearly inaudible to nonexistent hi-hat sounds. Check over this section again. In addition, the soft-sounding nature of these hi-hats don't really warrant the intensity of a constant stream of 16ths anyhow.
- missing 16th at beat 283.75
- suggestion: Overall, the song is quite minimal and doesn't warrant such a difficulty, despite the presence of a number of 16th hi-hats. A lot of 16ths don't exist either, so check that again.

Tyomutyomepu / 0
rating: [?]
- weird jumps in m3, as well as in m7, 27 - check these over again
- some 16ths such as at beats 15.75, 95.75 aren't needed
- 32nds don't flow as well when they're trills (esp. left-handed trill at m21); try different patterns
- suggestion: song's too short, and it appears that there's probably a lot more to this song than what you've stepped. Also, try different 32nd patterns.

Unf / MarioNintendo
rating: [+?]
- song seems to go on FOREVER
- bursts right before m51, 146 are 32nds, not 24ths
- last two arrows in m160 should move downwards according to PR
- suggestion: This song's extremely repetitive, but your patterns are as well, so find different ways of expressing the song. The speed-ups are a nice touch, but unfortunately they don't contribute much to the file. If possible, see if you can cut the song.

Youshou 02 / leonid
rating: [+.]
- hands unnecessary in m7-8; better used for sharper sounds
- I don't hear some 8ths in the beginning such as beats 13.50, 17.50, etc.
- ghost 16th at beat 133.75? ghost 8th at beat 330.50?
- m42: first [124] hand and 8th jump necessary here?
- missed 8th at timpani drums on beat 273.50, 281.50, etc. There are a few more in the upcoming measures.
- hand is nasty at beat 362; just make it a jump
- suggestion: Nice file, but I'll admit that I found some sections rather boring due to the song.



A Battle for the Sky / Silvuh
rating: [+.]
- beginning seems to be a little shorter, but still rather long. Doesn't hurt to start even earlier (e.g. 8.29sec).
- PR is pretty good for the most part except for arrows that are repeated but actually represent two different notes. For example, the two arrows at 13.40sec and 14.60sec, or the pair at 67.86sec and 68.16sec.
- shift the PR a bit at 49.10sec
- I dislike the simple layering starting at 80.63sec to express a multitude of different melodies, because it can get really confusing. I think the previous reviews had similar comments about this, so please fix this section and clearly choose what melodies to step.
- suggestion: Nice easy file. Single layering representing multiple melodies is still problematic however.

Aim Burst / MrPopadopalis25
rating: [+.]
- still an incredibly long file, to the likes of Blue Army and Blue Noah - and hence, still very repetitive. I suggest you cut the song, but I'm assuming that the length is supposed to be a part of its charm...
- just a suggestion, but there might be a better pattern to the end of m30 than something that results in a right-handed trill
- beat 136.00: a jump is a must
- main melody at m35-41 and similar areas isn't completely PR but that's fine
- a lot of the 16th streams throughout this song aren't -really- warranted, but this is more of a freestyle file that's quite similar to the aforementioned songs.
- missing several key jumps within the 16th stream, such as beats 190.00 or 198.00. This occurs throughout many long 16th streams, so you'll be adding many jumps after all is said and done.
- m64 and similar measures: here, it's way better to follow the drums as opposed to continuing the long 16th stream (and it's something different!)
- 4th at beat 262.00
- would be interesting if you made beats 276.00-278.00 16ths that follow the sparkly sounds
- jump at beat 501.50?
- m135-150: Since there's repetition, there's also room for layering a bit as well. Why not introduce layering to the piano or drums halfway through at, say, m143?
- missed a 16th at beats 635.75, 639.75; probably should also continue the trill up till beat 642.00
- 16ths, not 24ths at m196
- suggestion: The biggest thing is that there are a lot of simple jumps within the large 16th streams that should be added. And of course, the song is super long and repetitive as a result. Light accept.

C'est What / Ziergdsx18
rating: [-]
- broken disco music? Really weird song, though I have to say that it's certainly more structured than other Terminal 11 songs
- many patterns are still complete aids to hit, especially the ones at places like m13 or m18.
- short 24th rolls at places like m38 are highly unimaginative
- also, I know for sure that the song is longer than this. It's not a great cut at all, as noted by previous judges.
- suggestion: find a different mp3, since the cut is somewhat random. As for almost all Terminal 11 songs, you have to be extra careful not to make patterns and bursts confusing to hit.

Colibri / Niala
rating: [+]
- should be one more arrow around the break before m27
- m38,58: aww, I really liked the jacks here, but they're gone now. They would've made perfect sense too.
- the arrows at m91-92 might actually be slightly off-sync
- suggestion: IMO, I'd love to see jacks go back in those two measures I've noted above. Love the file.

Fast Asleep / Xayphon
rating: [+.]
- yet ANOTHER weiiiird song by Terminal 11; not too long though
- as with most Terminal 11 songs, you have to make sure that your patterns aren't too awkward, and generally you've did a decent job on that. Except for a few places. m17 is fine as is, but perhaps you can make an even more comfortable pattern? But m25-26 is definitely awkward; please see if you can revise that section.
- m33: would be nice if you stepped the irregular modulated sound clip here
- suggestion: Fix the patterns for the two or so awkward areas. Actually pretty nice file now.


Resubmission:A Battle For The Sky - Agree with patashu on everything. the beginning is way too long. sometime the layering gets hard to follow and those 32nd bursts are a huge difficulty spike. make them rolls instead so it flows more? [+.]

Resubmission:Aim Burst - missing jump at 62.869 and every time this repeats. looks like you fixed up everything mentioned before. [+]

Resubmission:Cest What - file seems very very copy paste in sections and for a short file like this thats a no. [?] also song choice sucks

Resubmission:Colibri - seems like you fixed the obvious things but didnt take any of the suggestions into consideration. mini jacks still seem forced at times and the jump placement is still a bit confusing when playing. [+?]

Resubmission:Fast Asleep - you fixed what was told but this file still looks pretty bad on ffr. simplify the entire thing dont step all the bloops and blips. not only does this song not warrant a difficult file but the burst you use are still very awkward to hit [?]

An Unwanted Magician and a Cheery Rebel(Silvuh) - nice file felt empty with as little jumps as it had, maybe add more? try leading into the mini jacks with a different hand for example 12344 instead of 123122 [+.]

Dance and Zeal (Kommisar) - man those [14][12] jump jacks are SO GAY to hit. extra 32nd at 31.53. this file is just filled with aids man make it a bit more flow-y. [+.]

Fatum Anima (Silvuh) - cool progression. nice switch at 73.489... wait...wait...w-what's going on here why is it going back to how it was before the song hasnt change at 76.489 noooooooooooooooooo. [+.]

I Remember When (psychoangel691 & TC_Halogen) - missing note at 46.131,. couldve added the 16th+32nd here at 56.297. whats with the grace note at 103.131? double check to make sure you layered everything, cut the ending or step the rest. and stop layering once the fade becomes noticable. where you stopped layering it made it feel awkward. [+.]

Peculiar Pattern of Circles (Championanwar) - cool song. file kinda drags on a bit because the song is so mellow. aside from the huge amount of left hand bias and really hard to hit patterns ([12]2[12]2[12]) it was nice(ps fix up that left hand bias. [?]

Pizza Butt (-Barista-) - should not be 32nds at 6.712 and every time this repeats. the file overall plays like a dump file rofl. 24ths to nothing some awkward jump usage and those minijacks are pretty lol even though theyre right. [?]

Pokemon GSC Elite Four (megamon88) - WE HAVE ENOUGH POKEMON GYM FILESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssssss. [+]

Powerpuff Gabberz (HammyMcSquirrel) - file needs way more variation in steps than what you have. [-](i was tempted to + just on song choice)

Rain (Kommisar) - got holds? [-]

Serenade of Storms (Silvuh) - 43.752 shouldnt be a jump same with 67.046. other than that though the song was beautiful ;____; [+]

Sleet (Silvuh) - some hands dont -feel- like hands but other than that again song is beautiful and so is the file [+]

Subconsciousness (leonid) - man this song is so dope and just chillax. try not adding jump to the melody, it creates some pretty dense difficulty spikes for what the difficulty of this song gives and for what you have in sections. maybe try the good ol' singles to the melody jumps the kick/drums backtrack w/e? [+?]

System Failure (megamon88) - you got ghost notes littered throughout this file(20.909 for example). so get those ghosts out of there. also i know what those 32nd rolls go to but theyre hardly audible actually a lot of those 16ths are hardly audible. adding jumps to the melody is also blah and doesnt fit this song well since theres enough to layer in the drums/backtrack. also shorten the fade out and add a note at the end [+.]

System Split (~Zero~) - add a note at 20.877, 26.065 for ~flow~. good file though [+]

The Bird's Concrete Nosedive (DossarLX ODI) - this is not music and those bursts are aids. the giant gaps of nothingness dont really help this file at all either. also that bns is ew(might be might fault though idk) [-]

The Final Hour (psychoangel691) - maybe pr the 8th note trill at 32.48 add a jump maybe a hand at 39.39 for the BOOM. those 16th to the synthesized vocals or whatever still feels so wrong when playing. still needs some PR tweaks here and there and some hands for the BOOM sounds but its better than last time. [+.]

The Gateway (Silvuh) - nice. some of those jacks felt pretty awkward when playing mainly the one hand transition jacks. try changing some around so the patterns before and after the jacks flow better into and out of them. [+.]

Thunderdome Got CRUNK (Coolboyrulez0) - lmao this song. notes are early by a whole 24th better get on that. last three notes are off sync. i dont think ffr is ready for crunk music. file is OK just feelt a lot harder than it should be but w/e nothing wrong with it [+.]

Tyomutyomepu (0) - i have a feeling this .sm isnt the right .sm [-]

Unf (MarioNintendo) - i think we both know how bad stress ended up looking on ffr with the DF engine and im afraid thats how these rolls might end up looking. up to you if you want to keep them or drop them though. file over all needs more hands to give it a fuller feeling [+.]

Youshou 02 (leonid) should just leave 132.892 as the 24th burst and change the other 24th bursts to broken jumpstream following the breaks. you tend to use the same break patterns alot when stepping stuff that isnt pianer in this file. vary of the patterns more. other than that though good and fun [+.]


Fun Factor/5
Objective Errors/10
Subjective Errors/5


AN: Please feel free to message me with any inquiries about my reviews. I'll be glad to hear out and answer anything you may have to ask, just be polite.

PASSAGE D - (iironiic) [+]


-File is well made and well structured.
-You also did a very good job making the steps appropriate, by which I mean, making sure you weren't using 192nd bursts and simplifying the patterns.
-Pattern relevancy was well done, however a couple times you used 24th bursts and 32nd bursts to represent the same drum riff. Not something you'd notice right off the bat, but you would notice if you played it enough (for example, look at your very first 24th burst and the 32nd burst that follows it, they're both 32nd hi-hats.)
-Something that might help with ^^^ that is trying to keep any sounds that are specifically 32nds or 24ths stepped correctly, and take more liberty with the drum riffs that are more obscure.
-Last note is the same sound used for the 192nd, and I feel as though having it be a jump is simply for poeticness' sake, where a single arrow would probably fit nicer.

Nothing too huge, but i'll point out a couple of things.
-The 192nd at beat 67 should be on the 16th right after (beat 67.250)
-You should probably place the arrow at beat 310.250, no reason not to.
-missing jump at beat 322.350

I could nitpick all day, but truth be told the file is quite good as is. Well done sir.

PASSAGE D - (wc) [<] - ([+.])


-Jeez, first batch I judge and first two songs and I already have to do this ;-;
-Sorry wc. <3
-I think because you tried to over-simplify the chart a bit you ended up missing arrows that wouldn't have changed the desired difficulty, which is why your objective score is so low.
-Quite often I noticed that you dropped an arrow going into a jump, why so afriad? It's not going to drastically alter the chart, and it plays more like an error in stepping than a simplification.

-Jump down to beat 72, those 16th gallops are timed incorrectly. Should be the same timing as the one you did correctly starting at beat 64 (Why'd you get the second one wrong?)
-Same issue at beat 90.
-Beat 136.250 should have an arrow there.
-Beat 154.750 missing arrow
-Beat 155.250 missing arrow
I could go on and on with this missing arrow idea but you should see the issue by now.

Last note here, it was a pretty tough decision choosing which file to give the [<] rating to, what it really came down to was whose file represented the song itself better.

PECULIAR PATTERN OF CIRCLES - (championanwar) [+.]


-Umm, I think there was a bit of a struggle on whether or not to step your bass kicks as jumps or not throughout the song, because there some I noticed were jumps, but most weren't, and that's probably because you naturally want to step them as jumps where you chose not to. I'm not going to tell you it's wrong by any means, but it does effect the play of the file fairly negatively.
-Look through again for a couple of missed 16th notes here and there, but that's not too big of a deal.
-Last thing, just because the notes go up directly each time doesn't mean your arrows should be 1234123412341234 (I'm looking all throughout the intro and the ending.) PR was well done, but perfect PR is more annoying to play than it is correct.

Just a couple things to note,
-44.667s why did you drop the 8ths? Maybe for inteded difficulty? Even then it's ugly to play, layer correctly please.
-Another layering issue at 47.333s, and there's no voice-squeak thing on the jump at 47.667s.
-^ Other areas similar to those in the file.

Nice structure, a bit flat but the song invites that. Not too shabby.

PIZZA BUTT - (-Barista-) [?]


AN: This file has a lot of repetitions, so if I say something it refers to the repetitions as well.

-I'd like to start off by saying lol song name is gr8.
-Charts'aight. Needs work.
-The biggest issue for this file at the moment is layering inconsistencies and ghost arrows. I'll point out some below.
-Some of they rhythms seem to be made up of nothing in the music, which is a big no-no in terms of stepping.
-You may also want to review your PR throughout the file
-Also you might want to find a way to implement climax theory into this, as it stands now it's very copy and paste.
-Also there are a lot of notes in this song that are stepped as 16ths assuming that's what the rapper is doing, but the notes are further off

-The intro section, I see what you're doing, but you can keep the down arrow for the hi-hat going even if it makes a jump with the synth, the layering works better that way. i.e. you should have a down arrow on beat 4, 7.5, 8, 12, 15.5, and 16.
-missing a jump at beat 27.500
-missing a jump at 43.500
-Beat 48-50 the 16th notes aren't jumps, and you missed the 16th at 48.250
-Beat 50-52 I don't understand where you got those jumps from. If it's from the vocals, however, they're misplaced. The jacks are also overkill.
-Beats 52.250, 54.250, and 54.750 are ghost notes.
-Jump should be a single at 58.000. Again, watch your layering.
-From measure 18-30 I couldn't even follow what you were stepping. Ghost notes everywhere and our layering scheme is basically non-existant. Needs reworking.
-As much as I enjoyed playing the minijack section, there aren't actually any minijacks in the music as far as I can hear, needs reworked as well.
-Nice build going from measure 36-38, however, the 24ths are nowhere in the music.
-During the guitar stream make sure you're layering your vocals properly, couple of missed jumps (i.e. beat 187.500 and 194.750)

Good song, has potential to make a fun file so don't give up. Work on your layering, PR, and making sure there are no ghost arrows, and try resubmitting next batch.

POKEMON GSC ELITE FOUR - (megamon88) [+?]


-Nothing strictly wrong step-wise, you picked a layering scheme and (kinda) stuck with it, so it's fine.
-My biggest issue here is that it drags quite a bit. 102 measures of essentially single-layering with nothing faster than an 8th note? Not exactly a riveting experience. That being said, easier files are needed ingame, but I think you may have pushed the envelope a bit too far.
-You missed a jump at beat 197.00 and repetitions. Not that big of a deal, though.
-I think if you had layered those snares more consistently throughout the file the flow would be better, instead of just adding them in when there's nothing else around. Not saying to "rawr make this a 9 where it belongs!@!@!" but just a bit more consistency in their layering would go a long way.

Good on you for trying to incorporate easier files, just don't make artificial difficulties from a file. This is kinda like a -dump (read: negative dump.)

POWERPUFF GABBERZ - (hammymcsquirrel) [+?]


-On a more serious note, file is actually quite good. Enjoyable, the only thing is I could see this losing it's edge after a couple games and losing replayability because of that.
-You also did a good job of applying climax theory in each individual section so that the file remained fun throughout.
-My subjective error is that minijack section. Kinda destroys the flow of the file due to the sheer amount of them.
-After the second talking section is where the chart gets a bit rough, missing arrows, layering I don't understand,
-The "YOU'RE BUBBLES" section (p.s. song is gr8 for making notes) plays nice and all but I don't get where you're getting the jumps from.. You might consider just adding jumps for the gabber bass.

-Beat 17.500 and 19.500 don't have arrows while 25.500 and 27.500 do even though nothing had added to the music by that point. You should drop the arrows the second time around for consistency. That being said, it's fine to have the arrows there when the hi-hats come in.
-The sync on the arrows between m.45-48 is kinda rough, they come up a bit late, so you should probably fix that.
-The second talking section has a couple sync issues, too, but it's just a couple individual arrows here (and it's probably fine given it's for FFR) but you may want to touch them up. You have a tendency to stick the arrows a tid-bit late.
-Heading into measure 96 missing many 16th arrows
-The JS is missing an arrow every round of the theme. Beat 421.000, 429.000, etc.
-Lastly, the drums going into measure 116 aren't 8ths, they're, I believe, 48ths. Check in DDReam, but that sections needs touch-ups.

Very fun file, steps are pretty good, just needs some tweaks before it's ready for the runway

RAIN - (kommisar) [-]

niec hold notes and mines mang.
Looks enjoyable though so resubmit it and don't eff it up next time. >(

SERENADE OF STORMS - (silvuh) [++]


-Haha SIKE! Like it'd withold your ++ for a single error. :P
-When I saw the song name my immediate thought was "PLEASE BE A SONG OF STORMS REMIX!" and then it was and Jeff was happy. :3
-The 192nds added such a nice touch. Even while playing I could feel the tension rise and lower along with the song.

-Measure 15, that gallop is just one note, same at measure 23.

SLEET - (silvuh) [+]


-Very nice stepping again Silvuh. Quite the well done piece of work.
-Beat 81.333, given the dissonance of the chord, I'd suggest adding a pseudo-hand, although nothing technically wrong with the way it is now.

There's definitely a missing arrow at measure 6, the chord is not complete by any means.

No real complaints, nice file, nice song. :3

SUBCONCIOUSNESS - (leonid) [+?]


-Pretty good file overall, but you have some pretty big missed elements.
-The PR in your chart in general needs some work. A lot of obviously misplaced notes and it irked me pretty badly. Specifically, look at the intro section, and towards the end (starting m.44ish.)
-The layering in general was quite faulty too. Everything except the intro was either done incorrectly with missing jumps, ghost notes, and misplaced jumps.
-If you think I'm misunderstanding your layering scheme, which is very possible, then your scheme is too complicated, because as is I can only kind of understand what you're trying to step, and the average player would think the same. You can kind of get away with it in a song like this where there are extra sounds everywhere, but don't let that fool you into stepping ghost notes and such.

-The biiiiig one is starting at m.18. Either your layering is just WAY off, or you've picked ambiguous 12th notes to place, or both. What I get is that you were layering the bells as jumps and everything else was drums added in, in which case there were quite a few ghost notes until you started the 12th stream and one of the jumps is misplaced every round. Beat 69.00 shouldn't be the jump, it should come on the 12th (beat69.333) right after it. In any case, take another look at your layering there, please.

Chart needs a fair amount of work due to layering and PR issues. However chart has a nice structure of how it builds, so work out your kinks without changing the theme and it should be fine.

SYSTEM FAILURE - (megamon88) [?]


-Sonny, DDReam or something 'cause your sync drifts dramatically. (hint: that's an auto -5/10 on objective score) The ending is where the sync gets off, I think you might have used the wrong BPM.
-There's a gross tendency in this file to overlayer jumps. By this coin, jumps lose what they represent and it's more difficult to understand what you're playing. (see m.20-35 for a good example)
-That being said, you even lose your climax at the end because the entire chart has been so jumpy you don't feel as though it's changed any.
-Noticeably good PR, so gj on that.
-Noticably wonky layering, so work on that, m.4-20 specifically. I don't get it there.

-Beat 139.000 where did that 32nd come from there's nothing musically to represent that.

SYSTEM SPLIT - (~zero~) [+.]


-For starters I like this file a lot. Creative without being @_@.
-That being said, you have some pretty huge errors in this.
-The 12th note sections (m.18 and again at the end) the PR is not right. Some of the jacks are right, some aren't, and it plays poorly because of that.
-The section starting at measure 30: What crack are you smoking and where can I get some? I get that you're just layering the main synth but you're still missing notes all over the place.
-Good climax right after but...
-m.37 yeesh couldn't have made that harder could you? xD It's fine but ~AAARaGeBaIt~
-m.72 same problem.
-Also I'd like to see you remove any 8th notes that aren't synth-based. While there are sounds that appropriate you placing notes there, doesn't fill the layering correctly. (for instance, see beat 237.500) {There were a couple others too.}

-beat 55.000 not a jump
-missing a note at 61.500
-I'm also tempted to say you should put a note at 65.500, but that synth thing is weird so is fine either way really.


but srsly [?]


-Admittedly I enjoyed playing this file, but I can imagine the 1 hour of snooze-fest at the start and retarded bursts at the end would piss people off and just ruin the replayability of the file.
-Objective errors belong to bursts craziness and one other thing I noticed: Beat 157.000, Why are you afraid of using hands? That whole section could have just hands and jumps, and there was one spot where you had a single that I expected to be a hand even (beat 189.500.) If not for this chart, use it for future reference that hands are now ALLOWED on FFR and using them for a nice effect is really cool.
-Low jump usage makes the file seem more boring than it needs to be, but you'd need to find a balance so it doesn't come out like an insane 13 or something.

THE FINAL HOUR - (psychoangel691) [+]


-Very fun, very well made. You climax'd well near the end (that's what she said.)
-The PR in your streams is ungodly amounts of awesome.
-Low replyability because songs has a lot of repetitions in it and is fairly long, You could get bored pretty quickly.
-m.48-49 I don't get it. Same thing with the other sections that are like that. Fortunately it's easy enough to do regardless, but still you might want to find something both interesting and easier to pick up on for those sections.

[COLOR="rgb(46, 139, 87)"]THE GATEWAY - (silvuh) [+][/color]


-Solid file, a little blah though.
-No errors in the file at all, however something I'd like to see implemented is the 16th hi-hats. It's one of those things that makes you wonder why you're not playing it because it fits the difficulty and song well.

THUNDERDOME GOT CRUNK - (coolboyrulez0) [+.]


-Holy early sync! 2.935 is where My setting would have been.
-You like your ghost notes. There were LOTS in the file, try to fix that up.
-Beat 103.000 has your jump on a quarter, according to what you did before, should it be a gallop with the second note on the 64th?
-Beat 172.00-174.00 I don't see what you're doing there. I think it's the hi-hats, in which case they're 12ths, not what you have at all.

-Ghost note at beat 76.250, 92.250, etc.
-You missed a jump at beat 131.750
-Missed a jump at beat 227.750
-And again at beat 263.750
-Missing note at beat 283.750
-Added jump at beat 292.000

Fixes, but all in all not bad.



-If possible I'd rather see the song cut at the end like it's ending as opposed to knowing the song goes on forever (which it does.)
-Also the jumps in the intro don't make any sense as far as I can see.
-What are those 192nds going to? It seems to me like it's when the vocaloid does a weird little quick vibrate with the voice, but I don't really know. In that case, it seems to me that you added some and missed some, but it's relatively unclear.
-SUBJECTIVE ERROR INCOMING: beat 80 whyyyy 1handed? T_T
-Nice layering n.n

File's fine overall, another short file to AAA wheee.

UNF - (marionintendo) [+]


-The signiature MarioNintendo red-note-rolls make their return!
-You may want to consider cutting. The file only really has two themes to it that just get things added to them, so it kinda drags once you hit the end at 3 minutes.

-beat 134.000 and 518.000, (3 more notes to it)

Nothing too big, son, good file.

YOUSHOU 02 - (leonid) [+.]


-Hands at beats 26 and 30 are no, not enough there to justify using hands.
-You should probably drop the note at beat 163, even though there is a sound to represent it, it doesn't close when the drums close so it strikes the player as incorrect.
-Those colour notes are a tad off, the 32nd is early.
-Starting at beat 248.000 those synth thingies should be stepped at the climax of the sound, i.e., a quarter note after they've been stepped.
-I find the 24th rolls starting at beat 358 confusing to play because the sound they're stepped to is so far in the background you can hardly hear it, you might want to switch it out for something more audible.
-Nice layering choices, and nice climax theory.

-ghost notes at beat 17.500 and 17.750. There's nothing actually there, but it's a pretty easy mistake to make.
-beat 22.250 and repetitions are ghost notes, stick with the minijack theory too.
-No hand at beat 324.00

~odds and ends~



-Low replayability and to be frank very generic and boring. Plus holy shit whoever wrote this song doesn't seem to understand that there are volumes lower than fortissimo.
-Your transition between which instrument you're stepping is pretty bad IMO, sometimes it's the bell synth and sometimes it's the heavy harpsichord synth. Seems mostly to avoid those trilllllls but I don't see why you did other than creating an artificially easy difficulty. Probably would have made the file less generic and given it more replay value, too.
-Aside from that there are no real errors in the file. It's just layering choices led to a subpar version of the file that could have been made better.

DANCE AND ZEAL - (kommisar) [+]


-Awesome file, no complaints.

FATUM ANIMA - (silvuh) [+.]


-Easy files batch huh?
-File is fine overall, keeps you entertained and you can play it more than once so gj there.
-Measure 40 (beat 156.000) you started applying climax theory for one measure and then just dropped it. You should have just kept it going, there's absolutely no reason not to and it just strikes you as random stepping having 1 measure of 16ths and then back to 8ths.

I REMEMBER WHEN - (psychoangel691 & tc_halogen) [+]


-Nice fixes guys, file is great. Well done.

MELONS - (_.spitfire._) [?]


-That's a pretty big no to me.
-Honestly, this file needs to be redone IMO. As it stands there aren't a huge amount of errors, but the way it's stepped is so overzealous that every bzzt brrp and zap is stepped, and it doesn't make the file very fun to play.
-That being said it's stepped fairly well, just don't overlayer it so much. It's Flash Flash Revolution, not Dump Dump Revolution.


A BATTLE FOR THE SKY - (silvuh) [+?]


-Once again, there's that issue with what sounds you choose to step and the transition between them.
-For example, starting at measure 34 (beat 132.000) there's a HUGE issue with stepping the main melody in conjunction with the background melody, there's almost no layering, and it seems like the background is just used when the main melody has nothing there. Continues until measure 50 (beat 196.)
-Work on layering stuff properly instead of just randomizing your steps and it'll be fine.

AIM BURST - (mrpopadopalis25) [+.]


-Something you miss frequently is the singer's actual timing. A lot of spots where she'll sing a 16th gallop and you'll have two 8ths jumped, I'll mention some but review it yourself and check for these
-I don't really like how you dropped those 8th notes around beat 478.500. Nothing technically wrong with it, but it kind makes the flow of the section messy. You actually do this a lot with the bass kicks which is something I'd personally like to see changed, but I'm not going to force you to change it.
-LOVE that section starting at beat 536.000. Very satisfying to play.
-Low replayability score because of blue army syndrome. (aka long song will piss people off)

-Beat 302.000 you have the jump without the 16th before it.
-beat 306.000 the singer doesn't do what you have stepped, listen again carefully.
-beat 309 the singer is a 16th before the beat, so not a jump but a triplet.
-Beat 312-313.5 you need to redo as well.

CEST WHAT - (ziergdsx18) [+.]


-SAYYYYY WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT! (c'est what haha french jokes)
-But seriously, to the review: too much colour theory. It hits a point where it's hard to tell what you're playing because the colours have no sense of what the song is indicating.
-Other than that I don't see much wrong with it, and I don't see why so many judges complained before...
-Also, at the end, you could have layered in those heavy chords as jumps for effect, as it stands there's no development in the arrows based on what the music says to do.

-those 32nds at beat 68 are 24ths, please fix that it's awkwardly wrong.
-Also, you did ^ that quite a few times in the file. e.g. starting again at beat 84, the 32nd at beat 88, etc.

FAST ASLEEP - (xayphon) [+]


-Too much colour theory! It's annoying to play, but for some reason, this file get's away with it. Still, I'd prefer to see colour theory used to reinforce a sound as opposed to reinforce EVEYTHING in a file.
-Only thing I noticed is why are those cyan (48th) arrows even in there? There's no sound for them as far as I can hear. They needa go bye-bye.

METRO - (dossarlx odi) [+.]


-Holy hard file.
-You could have used some BPM changes in this file to make the slow parts more interesting, but I'm not deducting points for that.
-from beat 47-64 you just completely dropped original layering for no reason. The song is building and starting to get hard, not slowing down to nothingness.
-The stepping in general is fine, but it's VERY long and repetitive in it's patterns, particularly towards the end and people aren't going to really want to play it any more seriously than the average person plays RATO or Death Piano.
-Some of the pattern choices in the beginning, particularly around the 32nds, are very hard to hit and you've altered pattern relevancy to make them harder which I'm not a huge fan of...


An Unwanted Magician and a Cheery Rebel (Silvuh) [+.]
interesting layering in this, since it switched from one melody, to another, and then 16th snare rhythms. Still a pretty fun easy file, just a bit repetitive (e.g. 213 213 213 patterns)

Dance and Zeal (kommisar) [+]
- why have 16th jump jacks, and then switch to alternating jumps? It ruins the flow, imo.
other than that, really nice file, nice heavy rock music to go along with it the intensity of the 16th jacks and 32nds, too.

Fatum Anima (Silvuh) [+]
neat easy FFR file, the patterns made it flow nicely, well done.

I Remember When (psychoangel691 & TC_Halogen) [++]
I'm not going to lie, I really liked this. This makes a really great beginner file. A really unique and cool song choice too. FFR needs more songs of this genre. Really well done.

Passage D (iironiic) [+?]
measure 19 - not 16ths, should be 24ths instead
measure 36 beat 4 - seems a bit watered down, incorrect rhythms
measure 41 - random unnecessary 48th gallop
measure 72 - those 192nds aren't needed
measure 79 - that particular pattern seems off, fix that

the file was fun in terms of patterns, but fails in technicality. some rhythms were off and had ghost notes in there.

Passage D (who_cares973) [+.]
measure 62 beat 4 - kind of questionable about the 24th notes

not much to say, but this feels too watered down for my taste. lacks a lot of the clearly audible 24ths and 32nds in the background, but this still makes an okay easy Flashbulb file.

Peculiar Pattern of Circles (Championanwar) [+?]
- it seems overlayered and underlayered at the same time. For example, it's missing a few 16ths from the hi hat, and sometimes the layering gets a bit overboard with jumps like at measure 35.
- I see what you're trying to do with the 16ths, but it just doesn't feel right to me, it should be 32nds
- some patterns were fine and dandy, I just feel like the difficulty needed to be boosted up more because the song demands it due to a lot of hi hat 16ths and 32nds. Fix this up and I'll accept it, not a bad song choice though.

Pizza Butt (Barista-) [-]
would be great for a Stepmania dumpfile, this isn't suited for an FFR file though. Inconsistent rhythms, unnecessary 32nds and random 24ths, random jacks to vocals, etc. Funny? Yes. Accepted? No.

Pokemon GSC Elite Four (megamon88) [+]
nice layering on this file. good clean easy file.

Powerpuff Gabberz (HammyMcSquirrel) [+?]
-16th mini jacks killed the flow of the file
-random 8th jumps at the section starting at measure 81
-section at measure 124, 16th notes are off/unnecessary

interesting song choice right off the bat. I love the symmetry you put in those 16ths in the beginning. Unfortunately, liked it up until the 16th mini jacks, then it just kind of fell apart with the misrhythms. I would like to see this file on FFR though, so keep at it!

Rain (kommisar) [-]
auto-reject for freeze arrows, sorry.

Serenade of Storms (Silvuh) [+]
cool easy file, nice slow piano song. layering is well done, only thing that irks me is that one random gallop/note at measure 15.

Sleet (Silvuh) [+]
look at all the pretty colors. another good slow piano file, reminds me of TGWP. excellent.

Subconsioucness (leonid) [+.]
-just a suggestion, would have been nice for the beginning up until measure 18 to have the notes as 16ths instead.
-beginning 12ths are really repetitive. would like to see some pattern varierty.

not a bad file, but it doesn't phase me much.

System Failure (megamon88) [+]
pretty neat file. layering was good and the patterns were alright, it flowed nicely. I think colored notes synced to vocals are overrated but okay.

System Split (~Zero~) [+.]
-measure 37, those jumpjacks kind of felt a bit too much
this file was pretty fun. nice pattern usage in this.

The Bird's Concrete Nosedive (DossarLX ODI) [++]
joygasm file right here. very unique song choice, nice flowing patterns, specifically at the climax buildup starting at measure 86, bursts are easy to hit, nice challenging file with its difficulty increase as the song progresses. I love this, I just LOVE IT.

The Final Hour (psychoangel691) [+.]
honestly, it felt a bit too "jump-heavy" for the overall difficulty, but it still makes a pretty sweet jumpstream file. It flows alright.

The Gateway (Silvuh) [+]
good clean easy file. I would have prefered if the percussion was layered instead of the melody but okay.

Thunderdome Got CRUNK (Coolboyrulez0) [+?]
- starting at measure 37, those vocals aren't straight 8ths.
- misrhythm at measure 44
- the 16th hand felt a bit too heavy at measure 46. I wouldn't use them at all for this file.
- measure 49 beat 4, I think those jumps are unnecessary
- measure 71 beat 4, missed a 16th before the [14] 4th jump for the kick

pretty cool song choice, but it needs fixing. Please resubmit this.

Tyomutyomepu (0) [?]
layering is a bit inconsistent (if you're doing jumps to the piano melody, there are a few jumps missing. Also, not all snare sounds go to one arrow, sometimes you change it up.)
the file could have been longer, it feels too short to me.

Unf (MarioNintendo) [+?]
- for the beginning section, starting at measure 18, I would prefer you layering the synth sound/melody instead of the clap.
- layering is sloppy at the section starting at measure 73
other than the flaws I mentioned above, not a bad file. the crazy BPM change bit makes it interesting. please fix this up a bit.

Youshou 02 (leonid) [+?]
- the section starting at measure 11 was repetitive, too many of the same pattern
- measure 42, I think that first 4th hand was unnecessary, since it didn't feel as heavy as the other 4th note on the third beat.
- part starting at measure 63, it felt weird hitting those 4ths since the sound comes in a lot later.

it's an okay file, but it needs to be fixed up a bit.


A Battle for the Sky (Silvuh) [+?]
- starting at measure 34, the layering kind of wobbles from the main melody to whats being played in the background.
- like Gundam Dude and TC_Halogen mentioned, the layering is off the place. Starting at measure 50 specifically, jumps are really inconsistent.

Still needs to be fixed due to layering issues.

Aim Burst (Mr Popadopalis25) [?]
- those 16ths at those sections (measure 19 and 103) are barely audible so I suggest you remove those.
- section at measure 35, keep that part in, really nice flow in there.
- measure 47, too many unnecessary 16ths again.
- misrhythm at measure 64 and 101.
- again, more random jumpstream that goes to nothing at measure 84.

nothing really special about this file, it's just too damn long and too damn repetitive, but I will say that this has potential, it just needs a cut and better layering.

Cest What (Ziergdsx18) [+?]
- the very beginning 16ths, why not have them as 16th mini jacks like the other ones?
- good fix at measure 13 but that pattern kind of throws me off a bit.
- measure 37, good layering, but I think those 24ths should have alternating patterns such as [321312321312] instead of straight [123123123] or [432432432]
- Like Gundam Dude said, the file kind of ends abruptly. You should have a fade out effect on the mp3 file.

This still needs to be tweaked to be accepted from me, not a bad file though, it has potential.

Colibri - FFR (Niala) [+?]
- good that you fixed Gundam Dude's suggestions with the patterns at measure 58 and 90.
- i love you mentions having mini jacks that don't go to anything. They do go to the "crash" noise on the 16ths, but they should be registered as 16th mini jacks.

honestly, from my perspective, it looks like a good challenging file, even though layering is a bit "iffy", but still needs just a tiny tweak.

Fast Asleep (Xayphon) [+.]
- the random gallops are a bit iffy (the gallops going to the "click" sound like at measure 14)
- I don't see much wrong in this file, really. I will lightly accept this.

Last edited by bmah; 10-26-2011 at 12:37 AM..
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