Thread: Maplestory v2
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Old 01-20-2011, 11:55 PM   #34
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Default Re: Maplestory v2

Originally Posted by dragon890x View Post
I've noticed that most of the bashing is geared towards Nexon's NA Regional management. Many events took place where people lost money due to their poor planning and poor support during the aftermath. One notable event was a glitch with a NX item. It was a lock that was priced at a couple of dollars. It's purpose was to make sure your valuable items stayed locked onto a character, making people feel at ease knowing that their equipment would be safe from hackers who steal accounts. You can imagine what sort of equipment was locked using this NX item.

However, they set up the item incorrectly after receiving new updates from the Korean Regional development team. It caused these items to not only become locked onto an account, but also have a permanent expiration date. Equipment effected by the lock expired, every one of them. Users made many attempts to warn NA Nexon's team and asked for help. The team responded by waiting until all of the equipment expired before making a move, even though they've acknowledged this glitch.

They later told those who were victims of the glitch to send in a support ticket with proof of their equipment's existence. This proved to be hard for many for their equipment was already gone. Those lucky enough to have evidence received a NX refund in the amount that was used on the lock. They've also received a clean, average, and unscrolled replacement of what they've lost.

If they lost a 10+att Pink Adventurer cape, they were given a 2att one as a replacement.

That was the extent of this one event, and I would like to stress hard on it being only one of them. I hope this explains a little more as to why older users dislike Nexon.
Most people bash saying they're greedy and don't do anything, and all they want is money. Rarely any of them say anything about instances like this. I've played the game for a while, and I know some things look like they could have been handled better, but to what extent could they have handled it better, really? They need proof because they would have to rollback servers, otherwise, right? That would be more of a pain than losing the item itself, because a several day span of lost play amounts to more than the worth of a single item you may have lost that was valuable, but completely replaceable. Nexon can't favor a single person over the entire community. In my opinion, it was probably the safest way to go about it without spending many many hours finding another way. Bugs and exploits exist in all games, and, believe it or not, Nexon isn't in charge of what exactly are in each update as they go along. I'm pretty sure they work on a fix as soon as they are notified, or put it on a priority list. How many of us truly know what it's like to manage Maple Story's servers? Not only that, but Nexon doesn't only have to worry about Maple Story, so I don't see how it's fair to make Nexon look like they don't give a damn about the people on the game. Sure, they aren't the best, but have we become so spoiled that we need the best from a F2P game?
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