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Old 01-15-2011, 05:34 AM   #12
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Default Re: Survey: Define "good" music.

0. What is/are your favorite genre(s)?
Metal and anything Electronic. (Speedcore, Chiptune, etc.)

1a. What do you consider good music, either in general or in concrete examples?
I got no idea how to explain "good music". In short, something fast and strong for Metal, catchy and fast for Electronic. Songs like Chik Habit by the Flashbulb or The Resonance by Decrepit Birth.

1b. How about bad music?
Unoriginal concepts, (Love, alcohol) no sign of qualities at all, excessive use of Auto-Tune (Most attempts are bad, not saying that it is ultimately a bad thing to do) and songs that has nonsensical lyrics (Probably one example imo will be like Sorry Sorry or something, idk)

2. Are you biased against some genres because of the fans they tend to attract?
Not really, I am very biased against Kpop though.

3a. Do you make assumptions about fans of particular genres?
I don't usually judge fans but there are some exceptions.

3b. What are some of the stereotypes you are familiar with?
Anyone who listens to metal is emo/goth or anyone who listens to techno is a nerd. I'm just listing a few, I know alot of stereotypes though.

3c. What stereotypes exist about fans of your preferred genre?
(Answer at 3b)

4. What role does a band/artist/genre's popularity play in your like or dislike for them/hir/it?
Popularity means nothing. It only depends on how much he/she/they/it was heard. One of the prime examples is Justin Bieber, heard by almost everyone in the world but I hate it. Although some popular bands are good, I don't mind hearing songs from popular bands and such.

5. Do you think you have good taste in music?
It's really narcissistic for me to say "yes" really. Can people respect my opinion on hating some genres of music? No. Not at all. So in my opinion, I don't think I even need to know if I have a good taste in music or not.

6. How objective do you think you are when you judge music?
My musical taste is really different compared to the people I know in real life. I'm extremely picky with the music I like, I pretty much dislike 95% of the music today. The other 5%? Probably half of them are just neutral.

7. Do you judge artists/bands on their entire body of work, or on a song-by-song basis?
It depends.

8. Do you consider your choice of music part of your identity, image or public persona?

9. Have you ever made choices in music based on what your peers might think of you? (For example, do you avoid a certain genre because your friends think it is without merit? Do you listen to genres you don't particularly like because your friends like them?, etc.)
Absolutely not. I'm not "part of the crowd" or anything, like I said, my musical taste is different compared to the other people I know in real life.

10a. How do you feel/react when someone states an opinion contrary to yours regarding music in general?
If it's music that I absolutely dislike, I'm going to bash it (like Kpop, Bieber or stuff similar) However if it is music that I never heard of or only heard 1 or 2 songs from that genre, I'll always try.

10b. What about particular songs/artists/genres?
Same thing as above.

11. Do you have formal musical training? (Such as receiving singing lessons, playing an instrument, etc.)
Well yes, I'm in choir.

12. Who influences your choice of music most? How do you find new music? Through which channels? Through advertising/word of mouth/YouTube/reviews/other?
Stepmania influences my choice of music most of the time but sometimes I search on Youtube to hear music that I like.

13a. Have your tastes or preferences changed over time?

13b. If not, why not?

13c. If yes, in what way?
When I was like 6-7, I liked every genre, now, I'm 13. I only prefer a few genres.

14. Anything you'd like to add on this subject? Any other questions you wish I'd posed?
In my opinion, all music is just music universally. It's just a matter of opinion. Another question I would like to ask is, does the fanbase of that artist affects your preference of the artist itself?
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